Another blessing for the people and community of the town of San Mateo: NSDA Parish is now recognized with Historical Marker.

SAN MATEO, Rizal – National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP), formerly National Historical Institute (NHI), will install a National Historical Marker at the Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Nuestra Señora de Aranzazu recognizing the historical value of the said parish.

National Historical Markers are signs installed in monuments, buildings, and other places approved by NHCP to emphasize the need to give importance to our national treasures and evoke pride and recognition to our country’s national heritage.

According to policies on the installation of Historical Markers, “Markers shall be installed for Filipino heroes, historic events and places involving historical acts and patriotic endeavors…historical markers shall only be installed in places with great historical value as determined by the NHI Board.”


Nuestra Señora De La Paz y Buenviaje Historical Marker. Status: Level II: with marker last 1937


The first markers were installed during 1934 at the Church of San Agustin, Fort Santiago, Plaza Mckinley, Roman Catholic Cathedral of Manila, San Sebastian Church, Corcodia College and Manila Railroad Company. During the Second World War, some historical markers were either lost or destroyed but were reinstalled.

Throughout the years, historical markers in country are being stolen and sold as metal scrap but the NHCP policies state that national historical markers are government property, “any act to destroy or remove the said markers without the written authority from the NHCP shall be charged criminally in accordance with existing laws.”



Camille Cabal

Camille Cabal

EIC, Website Team, Media Ministry

Camille embodies a soul of a writer that’s why even though how many times she tried turning away from it, she finds herself not only coming back but also loving it. Camille finished her Bachelor’s degree major in Communication in Trinity University of Asia. She is now working as a freelance copywriter. Her desire to explore a new world is her reason for joining Media and Public Information Ministry. Being with MPIM for years taught her how passionate she can get. She believes that the best way to get things done is to put your heart into whatever you do.

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