Rev. Fr. Lawrence Paz, rector and parish priest of the Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Nuestra Señora de Aranzazu, formally announced in his mass yesterday that May 31, 2017 will be the official date for the canonical coronation of the image of Aranzazu, the patroness of San Mateo, Rizal.
This announcement came after Pope Francis signed the letter of request approving Nuestra Senora de Aranzazu to be the 34th canonically crowned marian image in the country.
Fr. Larry said that he received an email from Vatican showing the list of the possible dates of the canonical coronation which are January, May and September of the following year.
He shared in the mass that his first choice was September 8, 2017 but the papal nuncio will be unavailable from July to October.
It was decided that the said event will take place on the 31st of May to give the church and its devotees extensive time for their planning and preparation.
It just took 3 years to have this another blessing as it is remembered that the image of Aranzazu was episcopally crowned on the 9th of November 2013.
Fr. Larry said that bishops and government officials from higher positions are expected on the day of the coronation to be part of the national event.