The Philippine summer heat has always been unbearable, especially during the months of March to May. People begin to find ways to temporarily escape the tropical warmth, even if it’s just for a while through air-conditioned places, small handy paper fans, shade from umbrellas, and even through ice cold desserts.
Clothing becomes a big deal for the Philippine setting. Wearing of lighter clothes become not only a fad but a necessary thing to avoid getting heat stroke and other summer diseases. However, it is not always a good idea to dress casually, especially when inside religious premises. Here are the garments you can and cannot wear inside the church, as issued by the Ministry for Liturgical Affairs of the Archdiocese of Manila:
Proper Attire
· Collared shirts or t-shirts
· Jeans or slack pants
· Polo shirts or long sleeve polo
· Long sleeves or collared blouses
· Corporate attire or office or school uniforms
· Dresses or long gowns
Improper Attire
· Cap
· Jersey or sando
· Jersey shorts or shorts
· Spaghetti straps or tank tops
· Skirts or skimpy shorts
· Sleeveless or plunging necklines
We have been countlessly reminded by the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) to “dress faithfully” regardless of the climate the country is experiencing. The ones enumerated above serve as a guideline rather than a strict set of rules for the religious too follow. Let us always remember to clothe aptly so we could be presentable not only in the presence of other people but also in the eyes of the Lord. (Kristine Tuting)