Viva La Virgen, they will shout to high heavens. The celebration of Canonical Coronation of Our Lady of Aranzazu was headed by a lively afternoon procession. About a hundreds of Aranzazu devotees praying for miracles joined from escorting Her image being paraded through the streets from Sta. Ana to Dulong Bayan in San Mateo Rizal.

The devotees crowded around the carriage along with all the associations and organizations in the parish, it is believed that the purpose is to give gratitude to all the blessings she has given to the community.

When the carriage reached the parish, the devotees once again made a triumphant sounding shouts “Viva La Virgen!” (Long live the Virgin).

The procession was considerably lasted for two hours with the security warning given by the traffic officers.

The glorification of the beloved Our Lady of Aranzazu in retablo was established to witness by the people proceeded by a holy Eucharistic mass led by parish priest Rev. Fr Larry Paz.

In his homily, Fr. Larry believes that everything happened in preparation before the Canonical Coronation was being controlled by Aranzazu.

There were two things Fr. Larry was able to emphasize: the perfume and invitations.

Firstly, a churchgoer donated him an aromatic perfume from US. He realized that he won’t use it for himself but wait for a long time and save it for May 31st to make use for Aranzazu. One day, he accidentally dropped it on the floor as he was able to reflect from it later on. If Aranzazu will not allow me to use the perfume to put on her, then she will find a way.

Lastly, from Parish Pastoral Council, the decision to give invitations and to asked cardinals across few cities went through rejections. There were two rejections happened regarding who among of  the cardinals they had invited would hands over the crown of Our Lady of Aranzazu. But Fr. Larry firmly believes that out of the following few dismissals, Aranzazu chose Orlando Cardinal B. Quevedo, archbishop of Cotabato, to put over the crown during the coronation. He was able to reflect from that situation later on. If Aranzazu could call a cardinal to acknowledge having a Pontifical right to wear a crown, then he would chose the archbishop of Cotaboto.

The core message of the homily was to keep our faith to Our Lady of Aranzazu in times of quagmire. Fr. Larry mentioned that there would always be reasons behind our situation in life that will sooner lead us to the better path. The only thing people must to keep in mind are hope and faith though most of the times people will not able to understand it and will be tempted to give up easily. (Michaela Acilo)




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