“No one lights a lamp and puts it under a bowl; instead it is put on the lamp stand, where it gives light for everyone in the house.” (Mt 5:15)

Commuting is one of the usual things that a typical person does every day. It could be an employee going to work, a student going to school, or anybody heading home.

A few years back, I lost two of my mobile phones while I was on transit. The first one was while I was on my way to a ministry meeting, and the other one was while I was on my way to work. At first, I couldn’t help but to worry that I might not get my phone back. But I immediately prayed to God and asked for Saint Anthony’s intercession to help me regain this item that I lost.

After a while, my siblings called my phone. Surprisingly, the driver picked up the phone, answered our call, and promised to meet us at the terminal to return the phone. This happened consistently in both scenarios. Some said it was luck, but I prefer to call it an answered prayer.

In our daily journey in life, we often lose something important to us. But, our Lord – the Great Provider assures us that you only have to ask for His help and it shall be given unto you. He even uses kind-hearted people to remind you of His kindness.

Reflection: Just like Saint Anthony of Padua, I trust that in my Lord’s power, nothing is lost but always found.

Loving Father, may I be always reminded of your power and kindness in my daily journey. St. Anthony, Patron of lost articles, pray for us. (Adrian Alcantara)


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