In the first book of the Bible, given an account of Genesis, we read the story of creation and learn about the story of the Fall of Man. Our human parents Adam and Eve state a guilty disobedience to God from being tempted by the cunning serpent into eating the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. God had told them not to eat the fruit or even touch it, or they would die. The serpent then accuses God of lying. He tells to Eve that neither she nor Adam would die. He added that God is trying to prevent their becoming like Him. When Eve realized how wonderful it would be to be as wise as God, she took some fruit and gave some to Adam. Their actions had brought them to become ashamed of their nakedness and God expelled them from the Garden to prevent from eating from the tree of life and becoming immortal. For many Christians, the doctrine of the Fall of Man is closely related to the original sin. It is believe that the fall brought sin into the world causing all humans to be born into original sin, a state from which they cannot attain eternal life without the grace of God.

God was promising, He plan to redeem us all through reverses roles that were originally given to a man and woman to undo the broken covenant done by the first couple. God’s new plan involves a new Adam and a new Eve. The new Adam is Jesus, the Son of Man. The new Eve is Mary, the Mother of Jesus. In this called new plan the woman is created first. As Eve disregarded God’s commands, Mary offers herself freely to the will of God. Now God’s new plan has revealed, the new Adam, Jesus Christ proves his obedience unto death. The new Eve, Mary provides her obedience by her concede in allowing God to make her the Mother of Jesus. She also made a much greater sacrifice knowing that Jesus will have to obliged suffer and die for the remission of the sins of humanity. In comparison to Eve she was the Mother of all living while Mary is given by Jesus to be the Mother of the people of God. Jesus Christ enters the world as a new Adam and does what Adam supposed to do. He comes selflessly to accomplish the will of the Father who sent Him. He comes to serve and offer his life. Jesus enters a garden and experiences the curse of Adam. He is crowned with thorns and stripped naked. Yet on the cross, he was obedient to God as he prays, “Not as I will, but as You will.” (Mt. 26-39) He does not grasp at equality with the Father as Adam did, but lays down His own life in sacrifice for the sake of the world. Finally, the resurrected Jesus appears in a “garden” in the place where he had been crucified to a woman and is as mistaken as gardener. It is perhaps a reference to Adam’s task to be keeper of the garden of paradise.

Adam and Mary are both dead while Jesus and Mary are both alive in Heaven. Jesus and Mary work together unceasingly for the salvation of souls. Mary’s obedience and great love for all her children cause her to immediately appeal God for our salvation. She works with Jesus to facilitate His mission. As She worked her term on earth to help Jesus achieves God’s purposes in His life she relentless this mission in Heaven.(Michaela Acilo)



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