(From L-R: Bro Ric Alvero, Sis. Glad Alvero, Sis. Bless Alvero and Marlyn Alvero)

My parents introduced me to the ministry at a very young age.

Most of my childhood memories were spent in the church, playing with other kids as I tagged along with my Papa and Mama in their weekly church activities. They always had to be in church, in some prayer meeting, in some worship gathering, or in some spiritual recollection or retreat.

They were church leaders, and they always had to be away. As a kid, it was hard to understand why I was always left at home with my sister as we wait for them to arrive from their meetings. So, to spend more time with them, I insisted to tag along.

My farthest memory was when I was six year old at the Nuestra Senora de Aranzazu Parish. My Papa and Mama were new members of Couples for Christ back then. I was clueless about what they were doing. All I knew was while they were singing and praying inside the church, I was out on the playground with the other kids. And yes, I was part of Kids for Christ.

After some time, they became members of Marriage Encounter Catholic Community (MECC) based in Sta. Cecilia Parish in Maly, and then eventually transferred to the same organization based in St. Joseph Quasi in Ampid. Soon, they were among the couples actively leading MECC at the Holy Trinity Chapel in Greenland.

They inspired younger couples to put God as the center of their marriage and family. They led an active life in service, which inspired me and my sister to become church servants as well. They were looked up to as church leaders, admired in the community for their dedication and commitment to the organizations they were in. Ministry has become their life.

Until Papa suffered his first stroke.

He was diagnosed diabetic in July 2014 and had his first taste of Insulin. He lost weight and grew weaker.

He had to rest. In the parish, he was seen less and less.

Mama, on the other hand, remained active as she went back to the NSDA parish as part of the Ministry of Lectors and as MSK Coordinator. Papa, after months of rest, still tried to become active as a Lay Minister. Not as hectic and active as Papa was before but still, he went back to serve.

Until he got sick once again.

He was in and out of the hospital for the past few years due to the heart condition brought about by Diabetes.

His body got weaker. From time to time, he would experience difficulty in breathing, sleeping and walking. His movements are now limited as he isn’t allowed to be tired and stressed. Doctors prescribed more medications and imposed more restrictions.

He now really has to take a lot of rest and in the parish, he’s now seen less and less.

He couldn’t take standing up for too long for he will feel exhausted. He has to skip his Lay Minister duties and would only show up when he is completely feeling better. Mama would always encourage Papa to get up and get going, to try and drag himself to serve even if he think he couldn’t but Papa would always explain that he isn’t as healthy and active as he was before. Much as his mind and heart want to, his body couldn’t.

Papa will be turning 60 next year, and as a daughter who saw him very active in his younger years, I know how frustrating it could be for him to not be able the things he used to before. Every morning, when he stands by our gate to watch people pass by, I know deep inside he wants to be out, running an organization, talking to and inspiring people.

This is why I thank God whenever he gets up in the morning and I see him wearing his white Lay Minister uniform. I know he’s fighting. I know he still has that yearning to serve the Lord and the community. I firmly believe, with faith in God, that no condition can ever hinder a person from fulfilling his Christian duty.

As written in Exodus 23:25, “ And you shall serve the LORD your God, and he shall bless your bread, and your water; and I will take sickness away from among you.” Today and everyday, I pray for his healing in Jesus’ name.

I initially planned a special lunch to celebrate Father’s Day today but Papa and Mama begged off. They are in the parish the whole day today as speakers to the newest class of the Parish Renewal Experience.

See, some things never change. Papa was once a servant, and he will always be a servant. No matter what. (Glad Alvero)



Glad Alvero

Glad Alvero

Senior Editor, Website Team - Media Ministry

Glad is a graduate of BA Journalism from the University of the Philippines-Diliman. A photography and documentary enthusiast, she now works as a writer/producer for a television network. She does PR and digital marketing works on the side. She believes using her love for writing to serve the parish is the best way to give back.

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