Together with Guests, Bishops and Cardinal Tagle as they joined the clergy of the Diocese of Antipolo. Jun Figueroa.

Emblem of the Diocese of Antipolo

Today marks the 34th anniversary of the canonical creation of the Diocese of Antipolo. Originally part of the Archdiocese of Manila, the diocese was created on the 24th of January 1983 and was formally established in the 25th of June of the same year through a Papa Bull. Then Pope John Paul II, saw the vast and growing population of the Philippine Catholic faith and was heedful of the need of the ministry.

Bishop Emeritus Protacio Gungon as first Bishop of the Diocese.

The diocese has been shepherd by four bishops since it was established, Bp. Protacio Gungon, Bp. Crisostomo Yalung, Bp. Gabriel Reyes and the current bishop of Antipolo, Bp. Francisco de Leon. From then three vicariates and 21 parishes the diocese has grown to nine vicariates and 64 parishes with more than 3 million faithfuls as of present.

For more than three decades, the diocese has continued to nurture its faithfuls through various traditions like its famous “alay-lakad” every Holy Week; promote Christian values and education through its number of diocesan and religious education centers; encourage vocations with its seminary and various vocation programs; assist in solving social issues through its established institutions for the aged, orphans and poverty alleviation projects; and most especially, promote devotion to Mary, mother of God. Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage, pray for us. (Emman Velasco)



Emmanuel Velasco

Emmanuel Velasco

Writer, Website Team - MPIM

Emman is an Electronics and Communications Engineer at Far Eastern University. He has been serving the church for years now through the Ministry of Altar Servers & Tanghalang Aranzazu. Emman is currently working as Progam Specialist in Mathscore but he still make time for the church to share his inspirational words to the people and devotees of Aranzazu through writing.
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