“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone and the new is here! (2 Corinthians 5:17)”

One thing that is permanent in life is change. Every single minute in every single day, we change physically, mentally, spiritually & emotionally. These facts only signify that change is inevitable. But what are we going to do with that? Are we going to change for the better or not?

For you to fully understand this concept, let me share you a story of this young man who was living his life embedded with darkness, but then transformed as he saw the gracious light of God along his journey.

There was a young man named Eugene who lived his life the way he wanted, but chose to do it in a wrongful manner. He always tagged along with his friends while making fun of them to the extent that he even cursed them. He also watched X-rated videos to satisfy his pleasure. He continued to do it as time goes by.

There was also a time when he questioned himself with his despicable acts. He was so puzzled. He didn’t know what his reason of doing these things.

Months had passed but his questions in mind were not yet answered. Until one day, Eugene met a person and it helped him realized that God is always with him and he should refrain from doing foolish actions. This man helped him to change for the better and to live his life according to God’s will.

As of now, Eugene is a youth servant to the church that he is attending. He is also a youth leader that enlightens the minds of the youth like him to know more about God.

Reflection: Just like what happened to Eugene’s life, St. Paul left his wrongdoings in life and embraced the grace of ever loving God. We as the children of God, we should embody the teachings of God and let him lead your path in life.

Yesterday was the feast of St. Paul of Tarsus. St. Paul taught the gospel of the Christ to the first century world and was considered as one of the significant apostles in the Christian History. (Flint Grospe)

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