The Lords flock Charismatic community during the praise and worship at Relentless conference. (Photo courtesy of Mark Pelobello)

Over 15,000 youth, religious leaders, lay workers, and students from different dioceses, communities, and parochial schools gathered in an event entitled Relentless Conference last July 1, 2017. This event was organized by the New Generation Lord’s flock Catholic charismatic community (TLF).

The event started with an energetic opening worship which set the mood of the event. Youth’s enthusiasm at the big dome was evident as they jumped and sang along with the worship team. After the worship, Mik Flores, speaker and head servant of TFL, gave the event topic as she shared the true meaning of relentless love. She shared how fulfilling it is to love and be loved in return as well as how love is a great thing.

The audience was also moved by the evangelistic skit that was aided with the song entitled “Rescue” which communicated that for whatever we are going through, God will always be there to help and rescue us. This was followed by Nuggets–a collection of bite size teachings from the new generation. Four different personalities shared their life-changing stories on how God saved and loved them.

Aside from these, there were also workshops wherein the youth were able to meet new friends and share their stories. Games were also organized to enliven the audience. Another segment of the program was the Word on the Street, where the panel shared their insights and stories about their daily activities as well as how God worked and continuously works on their life despite the struggles; how God will continue to love and be with us always.

The last part was the Hype dance from the Lords flock youth, followed by the heartfelt praise, and worship wherein during at the peak of the youth’s adoration, the Blessed Sacrament was enthroned at the center stage and everyone showed their utmost reverence.

But it did not stop there, because His Eminence Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle graced the event and gave his message to the youth. Cardinal Tagle said, “That the love of God is Relentless, and no one can stop on the love of the Lord for us.” He also shared that, “The purpose of our life is not something but someone. Jesus is the meaning of our life.” Though his voice is a bit hoarse, he continued to express his gratitude to the youth who attended the event.

Relentless conference, a program of SYOF is now on its 6th year. This is a response to the challenge of the Catholic Church to bring back the young people to be active in attending and serving the Church as they are expected to replicate back what they learned and acquired from this youth rally to their respective dioceses, parishes, community, and school. (Val Paolo Origenes)

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