The Tres Coronadas has been making noise in our social media accounts lately. Are you wondering who are they and why are they being celebrated?

Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage, Our Lady of the Abandoned and Our Lady of Aranzazu comprise the Tres Coronadas. These images are the first three pontifically crowned Marian Images under the Diocese of Antipolo. Yesterday, July 4, marks another historical event as it was the first time to gather the Tres Coronadas together.

The Tres Coronadas, coming from their respective places, each has different beginnings, different stories and different miracles. Nuestra Señora de la Paz Y Buenviaje is the first Koronada under the Diocese of Antipolo. Governor-General Juan Niño de Tabora brought the image of the Virgin also from Mexico to the Philippines. He travelled with the image through the Galleon el Almirante, believing that his safe trip was because of the Virgin Mary. That became history for the image of Our Lady of Peace and Good Voyage. This is why most people in the province would visit the Cathedral to pray for their safe travels. In the mass for the end of pilgrimage season yesterday, OLPGV’s pontifical coronation was re-enacted as it was also the celebration of the 90th anniversary of its Canonical Coronation which took place on November 28, 1926. It was an honour to witness an event that has been celebrated 90 years ago while you can feel the devotion for her that is still evidently alive.

Photo courtesy of Antipolo DIocese facebook account

From the city of Marikina, Our Lady of the Abandoned or also called Nuestra Señora de los Desamparados was believed to be brought in the Philippines by the Franciscan friars. The devotion to the Virgin Mary was first introduced in Sta. Ana, Manila but it was still unknown on how and who brought the devotion to Marikina. The patroness of Marikina also has miraculous stories which made its devotees’ faith even stronger. During the World War II, the church of Marikina was damaged but wasn’t totally ruined when the bomb thrown to it did not explode. The people believed that it was their patroness who saved them from the explosion. The Marikeños also believe that it was Our Lady of the Abandoned who made the flood subside from the Marikina River. They also believe that it was the Virgin who saved the children who were reportedly kidnapped during the 1980s. These are just few of the many miraculous stories of Our Lady of the Abandoned, which made her undoubtedly deserving to be one of the pontifically coronated Marian images in the Philippines. Nuestra Señora de los Desamparados was the second canonically crowned Marian Image under the Diocese of Antipolo, which became official on October 23, 2005.

Because of her proven blessings and miracles, our patroness, Our Lady of Aranzazu, was pontifically crowned last May 31. Aranzazu now completes the Tres Coronadas. Our Lady of Aranzazu, as we all know, was brought to the Philippines by the Jesuit priest, Fr. Juan de Echazabal, in 1705. Aranzazu is known in San Mateo to be the patroness of calamities, nature, body and spirit. The devotion to Aranzazu started in Spain, when she was believed to end the drought that the people were experiencing in Basque. There are numerous devotees who have testified about the miracles that Aranzazu brought to their lives, and this is one of the reasons the petition for her Canonical Coronation was approved in such a short period of time. Many people, especially the devotees of Aranzazu in San Mateo, witnessed her historical pontifical Coronation last May 31.

Three different titulars, three special crowns. The Tres Coronadas may have different origins and stories but all their devotees revere them as the same: they all represent the Queen, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God. (Camille Cabal)

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