Back when I was in high school, we have been accustomed to holding festivities and associating events every month. The seventh month of the year, July, has always been about celebrating nutrition and healthy living. I can still remember the tune of that popular commercial jingle with its lyrics describing how colorful life can be if only we’d consume healthy foods such as vegetables and fruits.

Prior to this occasion, many of us are familiar about the nutrition curriculum called Go, Grow, and Glow. We have been taught as early as preschool about this nourishment concept.

This month, let us all reflect on how we can apply this curriculum in the spiritual aspect.

  • Go

Matthew 28: 18-20 Go and make disciples of all nations. Baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Go foods consist of energy-giving diet. These help us to keep going throughout the day. Most of the stuff found in this category are carbohydrates such as rice, bread, and cereals. I can pretty much say that the divine counterpart of go foods is the sacramental bread or the Body of Christ. We receive this mostly during the regular Sunday mass. The bread gives us spiritual energy enough to guide us for the week.

  • Glow Matthew 5:13-16 Let Your light shine before others, that they may see Your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

The function of glow foods is to assist the immune system’s job in strengthening our body against diseases. Glow foods are known to be rich in vitamins and minerals, giving us that natural radiance that we need. In a way, our daily prayers can be likened to the role of glow foods. Deep, sincere, and constant conversations with God are our combat against temptations and committing to sin.

  • Grow 1 Peter 2:2 Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation.

Under this bracket are foods that aid in growth development, hence the name “grow foods.” Protein-rich foods dominate this group, such as meat, eggs, fish, and dairy products. What helps us grow as an individual is our involvement in various Church activities and organizations. The exposure that these religious endeavors give us support not only in spiritual advancement but also in the social aspect.

May we become healthy not just 0nly physically but also with our spiritual as this satisfy God. Know the right habits like going to church and reading the bible everyday. (Kristine Tuting)


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