Watch out my new segment here at our DSPNSDA website. You’ll be seeing my reflections regulary and how I shared to all of you my thoughts by putting into a blog online; harnessing online media to empower evangelization on the world wide web world. Fr. Larry

Life is perceived differently by various points of views. It may be comprehended as a sacred gift, a bewildering miracle, a right and responsibility or even seen as an unfortunate affliction to others. One’s existence will never be a laid-back and picture-perfect one, there would be times of joyous celebrations, memorable experiences and unexpected blessings but no one will ever escape the three burdens of living.

Creating beneficial decisions in life are the toughest one’s to make especially if a person is under great pressure. The hidden aftermaths of the incorrect decisions an individual makes may last for a lifetime thus it should always be pondered seriously. The pressure of family or even the society must not be taken into accountability when making choices since it is one’s responsibility and probable future that may be full of luck or adverse events depending on the decision made. The common mistakes of the generation today is taking college courses that doesn’t truly fit the individuals skills and visions because of the pressure from a family legacy or unachieved dream job of a parent. This situation often leads to students dropping from their courses, failing miserably even with great amounts of efforts to pass the requirements of the course, being unemployed in line with the lack of skills compulsory for the job or being fired due to lack of interest in work. Only make your choices if it is what you really desire, where you will always be pleased, if it will encourage you to heighten your inner personality and skills and if it will give you numerous advantages in life. The true lesson this first burden entails is that an individual will never be happy and contented, if one never really wanted the decisions made in his or her lifetime.

Only make your choices if it is what you really desire, where you will always be pleased, if it will encourage you to heighten your inner personality and skills and if it will give you numerous advantages in life.

The second burden is the burdens caused by the others. The irrational predicaments and attitude of others towards anyone is also a burdensome for living. It is already inculcated in our nature or culture that we are easily affected by the opinion of the society or even the rumors spread against an individual. Especially now that the use of social media has been a new and more diverse platform to share an individual’s outlook towards someone or a topic, no one could really prevent from being emotionally affected. The opinion of others often limits someone from doing his or her desires thus it becomes one of the burdens in life. An example of which is doing nothing at all in a kind of situation particularly helping others in need because people have always something to say or being gravely stressed and fearful because of the bullies a student encounters at school. This burden would only be diminished once people stop their useless criticisms towards others and mind their own lives for a change and even for the better.

The last of the three burdens in life is the most unique from all because it is the burden you acquire through loving. Love is indescribable, there are so many definitions and descriptions for this word but if you were never hurt through loving, then you never truly loved at all. One of the greatest illustrations of this burden is when God sacrificed His only son Jesus Christ and died on the cross for our salvation. Christ was crucified because His and His father’s love was genuine and eternal. As the saying goes “love is blind” because anyone can risk anything and suffer with all willing for their loved ones that could not be deserving at all like the love of the Father and the Son. “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” -John 3:16

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