With God and through working hard, nothing is impossible. We usually encounter lots of struggles and problems every single day but if we strive harder, we can surpass it just like what St. John Mary Vianney (the patron saint of the priests) did in his studies in the seminary.

Priests are affiliated to the church and they are the one who are always present in church activities. Being a priest means possessing all the responsibilities and duties of a deacon and a teacher. Their duties include: teaching, baptizing, administering the sacrament, visiting the members, ordaining others to Priesthood, and assisting in missionary work. When I was in Junior High School, it is our duty to attend pananagutan mass once a week which is scheduled at 6:00 am in the morning. Some students find it hard to wake up that early. But if you’d come to think of it, Priests wake up earlier than us, allotting their time to inspire and enlighten us. A priest does not only have a mission of teaching and sanctifying, but also governing the church community. Without these priests, improvement within the church community will not be possible.

Every time I wouldn’t attend anticipated mass in our Chapel, I attend the Sunday Mass at DSPNSDA. Fr. Larry is one of my favorites because he delivers the message of the gospel in a wonderful way. In the first part of his homily, you will laugh. And at the last part, you will cry. That is how good Fr. Larry in touching the feeling of every people.

Reflection: There may be lots of struggles and problems along our way toward success but if you work harder, you will achieve triumph we wish for.

Today as we celebrate the day of the priests and feast day St. John Mary Vianney, let they become an inspiration for us to live a better life. He was a man of great wisdom and heroic fortitude in resisting the cultural and social pressures of his time in order to lead souls to God: simplicity, fidelity and immediacy were the essential features of his preaching, the transparency of his faith and of his holiness. St. John Mary Vianney, pray for us and for all priests. (Lester de Castro)

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