“Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.” (Ezekiel 36:26)

Anything could happen in just a short span of time especially if an individual is open for beneficial change that will lead him or her into a more progressive life and growing experiences. Someone could be a sinner today but is then a sanctified saint in the future or anyone could be considered as a modern hero in the present but could be a potential law offender in the future. This proves that there are vast changes in life that may never remain the same through time.

When I was in the grade 7 to 9, I remember myself before as someone who puts studies first at all times and my life is only enclosed inside the classrooms or academic clubs. I got used to joining only academic activities and usually not joining any “gala of the barkadas” since I have a grade to maintain. But I still have a big group of friends so I’m still far from being considered as a pure school “nerd”.

I never showed interest on any beauty contest that involves a muse and an escort because I believe my physical attributes weren’t enough for the said competition. But when I was in my senior year there was an announced competition in celebration for the Buwan ng Wika. Unexpectedly, I was chosen as our section’s representative. I was very hesitant at first but I thought that it is a very new experience for someone who’s always in front of books and school works. I then joined the competition still filled with doubt about myself and winning but the two things that inspired me to do my best is of course God’s guidance and the support of my classmates. Destiny was in favor of me because I won as the first runner up of the beauty and brains competition, not really expected for someone who is new in this kind of contest. Everyone especially the teachers were surprised about my transformation from being a reluctant studies-first student to someone who displays confidence at the stage. A transformation of a nerd to a muse surprised everyone at the school.

This experience of mine is a lot like Christ’s transfiguration, where His face was shone like the sun and his clothes became white as light. This is where He transformed from being a normal individual preaching the word of the Lord to a divine individual who will lead to everyone’s salvation. The event surprised and shocked the disciples who came with Him especially during God’s voice of affirmation that Jesus is His beloved son.

Reflection: “Great changes comes from those whom you least expect it.” Jesus being known as a son of a carpenter in His time before made other people to question His preaching. He was not born from a rich and noble family thus many mocked His teachings. But many where surprised when He rose from the dead after three days. The people who once ignored Him repented and became a follower of His teachings.

Today is the feast of Jesus’ transfiguration where His holiness is revealed to some of His disciples. We must follow Christ’s humility in our daily life and not let the opinion of others define who we really are. We shouldn’t be afraid to try anything new as long as it is for the better because the biggest surprises come from the most unexpected people. Let us always not forget the value of humility while we prove other people’s opinions wrong. (Marielle Aquino)

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