Director and screenwriter Sigrid Bernardo of Ang Huling Cha-Cha ni Anita fame, dabbled into the concept of heartbreak and loneliness in picturesque Sapporo, Japan.

We’ve all been there. We’ve all been a little shattered and devastated. We’ve all been shaken to the point of giving up. It could be losing the person we so much loved, being rejected by our dream job or feeling backstabbed by the very people we trusted. We’ve all felt so alone once or twice and at the back of our minds, we would have wanted someone to lift our spirits up, make us smile and remind us that it is not yet the end of the world.

That’s just how exactly Tonyo was to Lea in the much-talked about movie of the year, Kita Kita. It was a familiar story of two individuals who have been through their own battles, eventually finding hope in each other. They’ve become each other’s sunshine during their darkest days.

When we are down, we are so much blinded by our pain, questions and doubts, not realizing that God is actually showing us something. We just have to see.

Here are 10 lines from Kita Kita for all of us, who are going through something today:


1. “May mga bagay na kailangan mong paghirapan bago mo makuha.”

When we want something so much, we tend to get impatient. We want to get them right away, and when things don’t go the way we wanted them to, we end up frustrated. We start to question why. We start to doubt our faith. This line from Tonyo reminds us that just as how hard we pray for something, we also have to work hard for it. Let us take in mind that we don’t always get what we want but God most certainly gives us what He thinks is the best for us at His perfect timing.


2. “Thank you at buhay pa ako.”

Sometimes, we get so clouded by our pain that we fail to see life’s little blessings. We may have cried in pain the whole night but we were given another morning to pick up our broken pieces, to welcome another day and start again. There are so many things to be thankful for and waking up to another day is the first step towards getting better.


3. “Sarap namang makarinig ng ‘Thank you.’”

When we’re upset, we tend to hate the world. We snap at people. We push away the people who wanted to help. We turn them down, thinking we could deal with our problems alone. The movie reminds us that it is okay to ask for help. Don’t turn down people who want to help. Instead, say “Thank you”. Appreciate their efforts, no matter how small or big. These are the very people who will lead us towards healing. Don’t push them away.


4. “Anong paano? Hindi ka naman pilay.”

This was Tonyo’s answer when Lea asks him how could she ride a bike when she’s obviously blind. Tonyo’s answer could have easily passed as a joke but it actually is a wake-up call. Lea is just blind and not paralyzed. She could move. She just has to trust. In short, it’s not the end of the world. Just like when we’re struggling through something, we may think of our fallbacks as dead-ends, with no other way to go but stuck. As they say, we’ve got to help ourselves to get back up. We just have to trust.

5. “Ang lamig kasi eh. I-defroze mo nga iyang puso mo.”

When we’ve been broken too many times, we tend to build our walls in fear of getting hurt again. We tend to be too cold, sometimes harsh, to other people trying to reach out. Let us not allow our battle scars to toughen us. The quote says it all: Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place.


6. Ang dami-daming taong gustong habaan ang buhay pero ikaw naman, buhay pa, pinapatay na.”

We tend to complain too much about our lives. Some of us, even wanting to end it just because we feel too much pain, not realizing that there are thousands out there, most of them in their hospital beds, struggling to fight every minute for their lives. Find the brighter side. Our lives don’t end with just one heartbreak, with just a disappointment or a fallback. Life goes on and we move forward. We just have to trust the process.


7. “It’s now, it’s never.”

We all know Tonyo meant “It’s now or never,” and we are all reminded to live life to the fullest, to get up and get going because we don’t have all the time in the world. It’s okay to take some time, ponder and wallow but we’ve got to get moving. We’ve got to seize the moment and grab every opportunity that God blesses our way.


8.Maikli ang buhay. Kapag oras mo na, oras mo na.”

Let us live our lives like every day is our last day. Thank God for the blessings. Let our family and friends know how much we love them. Tell that one person what we’ve been dying to say. Ask forgiveness from the friend we’ve wronged. Forgive those who betrayed us. Do that one thing we’ve been wanting to do. We wouldn’t want to regret the things we didn’t do so might as well let go of our fears and just do it.


9. “Alam mo, ang labo mo. Noong nakakakita ka, hindi mo ako nakita. Noong nabulag ka, nakita mo ako.”

With over seven billion people in the world, how are we to find the people that God chooses to bring into our lives? With the many things happening around us, what with our jam-packed schedules, how could we even stop and see what God is trying to show us? God works in mysterious ways, and sometimes, He uses the simplest or the most random people and things as instruments to change our lives. We just have to pause for a little while.

10. “Hindi mo naman siya kailangang makita. Mararamdaman mo naman eh.”

When we arere hurt, we ask God a lot of whys: Why me? Why now? Why did God allow them to hurt me? Why is God not helping me? We tend to search the answers to our questions. We tend to question His love for us, failing to realize that in our deepest agonies, He is there inside our hearts. God feels double our pain. He just wants us to reach out to Him, to talk to Him. We don’t have to see Him to know He’s just there all along, waiting. We just have to pause, close our eyes and start praying. We don’t have to see Him to know He’s listening.

It could be Tonyo’s jokes or Lea’s charm or their chemistry that made this movie a hit but Kita Kita is actually telling us something: During our darkest days, it isn’t always the eyes that see. Most of the time, it’s the heart that feels.

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