This is a fabulous antique French reproduction statue of St. Tarcisius. The original was sculpted by Alexandre Falguière in 1868 and now resides in the Museé d’Orsay. Web Images

Living up with your principles is one of the toughest things to do in our lives. Our perception and ideals can be influenced by the people around us. Thus, some of us tend to go with the flow even if it shatters the discipline that we have. We choose to compromise ourselves just to avoid conflict to others even though you know that you’re right and they’re wrong. But for this young acolyte, keeping his principles and protecting what he believe in is the thing that he continued to fight for.

One ordinary morning, a 12 year-old boy named Tarcisius was given a task to deliver the ‘Holy Mysteries’ to his Christian brothers and sisters in the prison due to the absence of deacon. Being a boy who loves games and adventure, Tarcisius happily accepted the task.

On his way to the prison, a small gang of non-Christians ask him to play and join their games. They know that Tarcisius will never refuse their offer because they are aware that he loves to play games. But unlike on what they are expecting, Tarcisius refused to accept their offer. During they conversation, the boys noticed that he was carrying something. Due to their anxiousness on what he is carrying, the group turned to him with fury and gave him multiple blows until he stumble and fall to the ground.

A fellow Christian-brother came to rescue Tarcisius and brought him to the Catacombs. But unfortunately, due to the injuries that he have got, Tarcisius died when he was about to fulfill his mission. With these acts that he committed, Tarcisius became the well-known saint among the youth devotees and a patron saint for the altar servers.

Today, the Roman Catholic Church commemorates his martyrdom.

Reflection: Just like Tarcisius, we should never let other people to dictate us on what we are going to do or to become. We can consider their opinion as a guide in making our decisions, but it is up to us on how we are going to weigh it. As long as we know that we’re doing the right thing, there’s no something wrong in keeping and following your own principles. Flint Gorospe


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