Totus Tuus. We are totally yours. CLSS Community with Fr. Larry.

For every religion in the world,  each has different ways of praising their Gods. When Muslims pray, they face the direction of the Mecca wherever they are then they recite their prayers.  They do this 5 times every day.  Buddhists on the other hand pray in their temples by chanting while Jews recite their prayers aloud.

Catholics were taught to pray quietly in churches or in chapels. We pray for whatever personal reasons we have. But did you know that there is also a formula for praying? These are the A.C.T.S of praying: Adoration,  Contrition, Thanksgiving and Supplication.



 “For great is the Lord and most worthy of praise;  he is to be feared above all gods.” – (1 Chronicles 16:25)

       Expressing our praise to God is the best way to start our prayer. Tell him how much you adore him as our creator; that you honor him for his power. Look around you,  the trees,  the flowers, the beautiful sunset and even yourself, these are the reminders that He is great and that He always deserved to be praised.



“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” – (1 John 1:19)

    Contrition is synonymous to confession. When you confess,  sincerely admit all your sins to God. Tell him specifically what you did wrong and ask for his help to give you the strength to avoid temptations.



“For everything created by God is good and nothing is to be rejected,  if it is received with gratitude;  for it is sanctified by means of the word of God and prayer.” – (1 Timothy 4:4-5)

     There are so much to be thankful for. Verbally express your gratitude to God, for your life,  your health,  family,  friends  and all his creations. Thank him for sacrificing his ife for you and for always guiding you. For his grace and patience and most importantly,  for his unending love.



“For whatever things you ask when you pray,  believe that you have received them and you will have them. ” – (Mark 11:24)

After adoring God, confessing and giving thanks to him,  that is the perfect time to mention yoUr requests. It is important to be specific about your prayers. You may ask for more blessings, good health and whatever you want to have or achieve. Ask for his guidance in everything you do. However, always put in your mind that his plans for you are always for your best.

Isn’t it enough that you were created, forgiven and blessed? The next time you pray, you can express yourself to God more clearly by these acts. Amen. Amen and Amen.

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