DSPNSDA Painting Contest Live (Theme: Ang Birheng Coronada ng Bayang San Mateo)
WHEN: September 9, 2017 (Feast Day)


  1. The contest is open to all interested artists (Pro or Non-Pro), residing in San Mateo, Rizal.
  2. The contest will have two (2) categories: Junior Category (14-17 years old) and Advanced Category (18 years old and above).
  1. The contest will be only limited up to nine (9) participants for each category.
  2. PRE-REGISTRATION is needed. This will run from August 20 to September 4, 2017, thru the following options: DSPNSDA Official Website – www.aranzazushrine.ph; DSPNSDA Facebook Page – https://www.facebook.com/AranzazuShrine/app/190322544333196/ or Directly to the Google Form – https://goo.gl/forms/fEak89BDGz5cBCJH3
  3. Participants should initially “follow” and “like” our Social Media accounts over Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter (@aranzazushrine).
  1. Participants must submit at least two (2) samples of their work and send to their artwork over email: paintingcontest@aranzazushrine.ph together with the subject: NAME OF PARTICIPANT after filling up the pre-registration form.
  1. Short-listing of Participants will be on September 6, 2017. Names will published on our Social Media Accounts and Official Website on September 7, 2017.



  1. Please be reminded that: 30 minutes before the contest proper, participants must fill up the Forms at the registration booth for the confirmation of their attendance.
  1. Participants must present a valid ID that can confirm their age and area of residence upon registration.
  1. Participants must bring his/her own brushes and pencil (if preferred). Illustration board, colored pencil/craypas (for Junior Category) and acrylic paint (for Advanced Category), water container, water, mixing plates, and rags will be provided at the venue. Important: Only one canvas per artist means only one entry per artist.
  1. The painting must not only reflect the theme itself but should also relate to the event being celebrated, the Feast of San Mateo; and help and improve people’s understanding about the celebration of the Canonical Coronation of Our Lady of Aranzazu.
  1. All paintings to be submitted must be aligned in the execution of the theme yet unique to the composition and delivery of art.
  1. Participants will be given 4 hours of painting time at the venue.
  1. The name of the artist must not be indicated anywhere within the artwork itself. The entry itself must not be signed by the painter. Only the title of the artwork should be indicated on the piece itself.
  1. All entries submitted shall automatically be under the care and possession of DSPNSDA.
  2. DSPNSDA reserves the right to display the paintings inside the premises of the Parish during the Feast of San Mateo.
  1. Announcement of winners and giving of Certificates will be right after the four-hour live on-the-spot painting session. Artists who finished before the 4-hour limit must be present at the awarding ceremony. First placer will receive a certificate and a cash prize, while the second and third placers will also receive certificates and consolation prizes. All participants will be given a certificate of participation.
  1. Winning entries will be used by the Parish for any purpose deemed fit and relevant.



Judges and the head organizers will evaluate the submitted entries based on the following criteria:

  1. Relevance to the Theme 40%     Interpretation and clarity of the theme to the viewer.
  2. Visual Composition 20%     Aesthetic effect and appeal beyond the mere technical proficiency.
  3. Originality 25%     Creativity of the depicted theme.
  4. Overall Impact 15%     Effect of the artwork in general – if the artwork communicates the message of the theme.


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