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As I am writing this article, the rain has been on a roll since 7:00 PM today.




The sound of rain drops falling from a whole in our roof can be heard from where I am. I turned off the electric fan because of the chills that the weather is starting to give me. Times like this make me reflect on my spiritual well-being.

Here in the Philippines, we have been blessed to have two different seasons: sunny and rainy. This is contrary to other countries which have the complete four seasons. If youre going to ask me, I think God did a great job in bestowing us with the rainy and sunny season (although of course we would still like to experience the snow).

Our faith in the Lord can be likened to these two different weather.

On sunny days, I like to think positively especially early in the morning when the sun is just about to rise. The tropical warmth signifies the warm relationship between God and ourselves. He acts as our sun which gives us light to guide our way and provides the right amount of heat to keep us going.

On rainy days, my mind gets clouded as the sky begins to get filled up with darkness. Rainy or stormy times come only once in a while but the destruction it sometimes bring can be pretty scary. These are the times when our faith in Him is being tested. The storms, floods, hurricanes, are all obstacles and hindrances to our devotion to Him. But then again the rain isnt absolutely bad. There are people who find blessings in the rain, figuratively speaking. Our faith is tested when we undergo a plethora of thunderstorms. How much can we endure?

Our life is a mixture of both weather. There will always be sunny and rainy days. We just have to find the right amount of sun and the right amount of rain to welcome in our life. (Kristine Tuting)

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