We have reached more than half of the year and we’re almost done too with August. The festive ber-months are fast-approaching, with September being first in line. The people of San Mateo has always looked forward to September, anticipating with delight and excitement the feast day of our beloved Aranzazu side-by-side with the infamous pista ng kakanin.

Prior to the highly anticipated feast day, there will be a series of Novena masses for nine days. The novena will start on the morning of the 31st of August until the 8th of September. Devotees can choose to attend either the morning novena mass (7:00 AM) or the evening novena mass (5:30 PM). There will also be other activities happening on the same days.

A mass dedicated to married couples will be held on August 31. This will be the mass and renewal of marriage vows which will happen on Thursday at exactly 6:00 PM right after the first novena mass.

As we turn our calendars to a new month, a talk on vocation will take place. This vocation seminar will occur on September 1 at 3:30 in the afternoon. The seminar will be followed by the abovementioned novena mass.

The 2nd of September is allotted for the receiving of the sacrament of reconciliation. Anyone who hasn’t experienced the sacrament yet is highly encouraged to join and participate. Kumpilang Bayan will start at 9:00 AM. After receiving the sacrament, participants may opt to continue to the Theology of the Body talk which will be delivered from 3:30 PM until 5:30PM . On the same day, everyone is invited to party with the youth for this year’s Youth Jam! Head over to the 4th level of the NSDAPS building to join the celebration!

From the jam-packed third day of the novena comes a medical/dental mission and feeding program from 8:00 in the morning until 12:00 in the afternoon. DSPNSDA is willing to lend a helping hand and give out medical attention to those who are in dire need of it.

Skipping ahead, the 6th day of the novena, September 5, will highlight a talk or seminar on “Growing Old Gracefully” from 3:30 PM until 5:30 PM.

A mass for healing and anointing of the sick will take place on September 7. The church is inviting anyone with illness, ailments, disorders, or diseases. These people will be prayed over so they could meet the greatness of the Lord.

The day before the main event, September 8, is the day when we celebrate the birth of our beloved Mary. Attendees have an option to donate rice or canned goods during the mass. A mass for the feast of Mary will ensue by 11:00 PM. A beautiful fireworks display awaits attendees come midnight. This signifies the start of the celebration for the feast of Our Lady of Aranzazu.

Happy fiesta! The parish has prepared a lot of festivities for this day, all for her glory. Some of these activities include:

  • Rosary prayer (5:30 AM)
  • Mass by Rev. Fr. Louie Atanacio (6:00 AM)
  • Painting contest (7:00 AM)
  • Pagpaparangal sa mahal na Birhen ng Aranzazu
  • Paggunita sa pagpuputong ng korona ng batang si Hesus
  • Pagpuputong ng korona sa Birhen ng Aranzazu
  • Misa Concelebrada
  • Parada ng kakanin (9:00 AM)
  • Mass by Rev. Fr. Genaro Diwa (2:30 PM)
  • Procession (4:00 PM)
  • Mass by Rev. Fr. Lawrence C. Paz (6:00PM)


Let us all look forward to a meaningful celebration this coming September. Viva la virgen!

(Kristine Tuting)

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