Giving one of the main sessions during the Communion in Mission Conference held from Aug. 21 to 25, Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle stresses the link between communion and mission. BUKAL NG TIPAN TEAM

TAYTAY, Rizal – Communion is intimately linked with mission, said Manila Archbishop Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle during a plenary assembly of the Communion in Mission Conference, recently organized by the Maryhill Bukal ng Tipan Mission Center.

“[Communion] is unthinkable without mission and the mission of telling who Jesus is forges communion,” said the prelate, who spoke to more than a hundred BEC directors, members, leaders, and religious.

“The communion grows in mission and spreads in simple conversation about our encounter with Jesus Christ,” added Tagle.

He also noted the importance of the Church’s communion with the world, stressing that “we are all under the Lordship of Jesus.”

“If Jesus is Lord, then His Church must be the first to submit to Him and not pretend to be lord. We do not set ourselves apart; in this way we are in communion with the Lord and the world,” he emphasized.

The prelate also pointed out how the power of diversity and relationships form genuine communion. “For communion to happen there must be diversity. No single person or community can give the whole need of society. We need to respond together in communion.”

Calling out to the different communities, Tagle said the key to answering society’s needs and problems is to maximize those differences and to work as one.

The 5-day conference was held at CICM: Bukal ng Tipan, Maryhill Retreat Center, Taytay, Rizal from Aug. 21 to 25, with the theme “Going Beyond 2021: Sustaining a Culture of Communion in BECs, Parishes, and Dioceses.”  Christine Paguirigan / CBCPNews



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