Mrs. Rosalia Madrid-Lim, the school registrar of Nuestra Senora de Aranzazu parochial School, who served as the speaker shared some points on how we can change our views about ageing.

We will all grow old, who wouldn’t? Getting old is inevitable yet we do everything just to avoid this normal process. Yesterday, September 5, the Evangelization ministry conducted a symposium with a theme: Growing old gracefully (Pagtanda nang may biyaya at kagalakan).

Mrs. Rosalia Madrid-Lim, the school registrar of Nuestra Senora de Aranzazu parochial School, who served as the speaker shared some points on how we can change our views about ageing.

Wrinkles, gray hair, difficulty in walking, hearing and remembering details, these are the obvious signs of ageing. These are also the things that we fear about growing old. With the help of new technologies, more ways to escape the signs of growing old have surfaced. Some of us, when reached the age of 30s or 40s, start to use beauty products with astringent to prolong the wrinkling of the skin. Some would overdose on supplements just so they won’t look old. Human have reached the level of intelligence where we even deal with stem cells to maintain the “young look.”

When God created the Earth, he created it with balance. When people are created, we are perfectly, beautifully made. While we are still young, 7Let us treasure the life that we are enjoying, let us take care of the body we were given. Our body is not design to live forever but we need not to stress over ageing. There are numerous easy and natural ways to grow old gracefully.

  1. Keep a positive, humorous perspective.

It is somehow innate to old people to be irritable. Always bring sunshine to your life, Always smile at any situations. Just “chilax” as the millennials would say. Instead of being grumpy, look for chores at home that you can still do and be busy of.

  1. Share your wisdom

Wisdom comes from experiences and lessons in life. Regardless of how many pictures do you have, your successors would still forget you but they will never forget the learnings that you taught them.  Sit with your children and grandchildren, reminisce your childhood with them and pass them the lessons that you earned from those experiences. Also allow them to learn from their own. Do not force them to apply your teachings on themselves.

  1. Soften hard edges of personality

They say that growing old stage is the time when we realize our mistakes in life. Remember to be cool and patient. Let go of your old bad habits and grudges. Do not pass on your anger to your enemies to your younger generations. Do not restrict them to socialize with others because of your past conflicts. Rather, teach them what is right so they may avoid future problems with other people.


  1. Career is enough

Sometimes, even when we get old, we’re still after with power. You had so much time in enriching your career. Use your time left in the earth to rebuild relationships with your family. Make it up to your family and friends for all the time you’ve spent in your work. Sit with them, talk to them, exchange stories with them and strengthen your relationship with them while you still have the time


  1. Be settled and comfortable in your life.

Growing old is inevitable and we have nothing to do with that.  That is a process that we cannot stop. One way to grow old gracefully is to accept the fact that we will all reach the process of ageing. Hold on to God because he planned a wonderful future for you.

Once you realized that you’re getting old, don’t feel stressed over it. God did not plan all this for nothing. Trust the whole process, trust God’s process. Always believe that there’s a more wonderful world out there waiting for us when it’s time to leave this world.  People might forget you when you’re gone but not the great things you’ve done when you still existed so live your life with the fullest.

As the saying says, we are busy growing up that we didn’t notice that they are also growing old, as children, let us not forget our roles to be their guardian when they get old. Guide them with all patience and love as they were once to us when we were still kids. (Camille Cabal)



Camille Cabal

Camille Cabal

EIC, Website Team, Media Ministry

Camille embodies a soul of a writer that’s why even though how many times she tried turning away from it, she finds herself not only coming back but also loving it. Camille finished her Bachelor’s degree major in Communication in Trinity University of Asia. She is now working as a freelance copywriter. Her desire to explore a new world is her reason for joining Media and Public Information Ministry. Being with MPIM for years taught her how passionate she can get. She believes that the best way to get things done is to put your heart into whatever you do.

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