Our Lady of Aranzazu, as the procession in the afternoon was about to start. Marlon Santos | Media Ministry

“Viva La Virgen! Viva!”

The devotees cheered as they showed their heartfelt devotion during the procession on the feast day of Our Lady of Aranzazu (OLAR), September 9.

Different church organizations including the Ministry of Altar Servers, Association of Our Lady of Aranzazu, Parish Youth Ministry, Tarcisian Adorers Turno 177 and the Knights of Our Lady Aranzazu joined the procession as well as the students from Nuestra Señora De Aranzazu Parochial School.

From the parish, the procession took the M.H. Del Pilar St. route towards Guitnangbayan then went back to Gen. Luna St. heading back to the church.

Devotees jubilantly waved their handkerchiefs as they sang the song  “Pamimintuho, giving praise to our dear patroness.

Kidlat Ballesteros, one of the members from the Parish Youth Ministry, shared his joy as he joined the procession.

“I feel blessed because, although it’s required, I still do it for my love, for my devotion to Mary,” Kidlat Ballesteros said.

After the event, the canonically crowned image of Our Lady of Aranzazu was carefully reinstated back to the altar. (Flint Gorospe)


Flint Osric Gorospe

Flint Osric Gorospe

Senior Writer, Website Team - Media Ministry

Flint is an 18 year-old journalism student from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines. He is also a developing writer, actor, singer, photographer and a church servant. Started as a young member of Tanghalang Aranzazu, Flint had developed his craft throughout the years and expanded his networks as he joined in different church organizations. Currently, he is the Secretary of Avant Garde Singers and also a member of Ministry of Altar Servers, Tanghalang Aranzazu and Media and Public Information Ministry.

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