“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.”  Matthew 5:17

Happy Fiesta San Mateo! Don’t get confused, September 21 is the day when we celebrate the feast of St. Matthew to whom our town was named after. Why is it that our place was called San Mateo when Aranzazu is our patroness?

it is said that the Agustinians were the ones who established San Mateo in 1500s, who also gave the said name to our place. The first chapel in the name of St. Matthew was built in the town during his feast day and the place was then known as San Mateo since the chapel was established.

When the authority to manage the place was transferred to the Jesuits during the 1600s, that was the time when Aranzazu was introduced to the people in the area. When the Jesuits saw the strong devotion of the people to Aranzazu, they built a church and blessed Aranzazu as the patroness of San Mateo. Therefore, it is believed that St. Matthew was the first patron saint of San Mateo before Aranzazu was introduced to the people.

To completely enjoy the celebration of the feast of St. Matthew, here are the schedule that you might not want to miss.

To start the day, an early mass was held at 6 AM at the San Mateo Chapel presided by Rev. Fr. Lawrence C. Paz, Parish Priest of NSDA parish, followed by a procession of St. Matthew going to the Shrine of Our Lady of Aranzazu.

8 AM –  A mass will be held at NSDA Parish and will be presided by Msgr. Henry Mediarito, Parish Priest of
Immaculate Conception  Parish Church.

Four consecutive masses will follow at the San Mateo Chapel:

10 AM – A mass to be presided by Re. Fr. Marc Anthony Ramos

2 PM mass to be presided Fr. Edwin Tirado, Parochial Vicar of Our NSDA Parish, and

4 PM mass to be presided Fr. Boy Daguman, Guest Priest of NSDA Parish. It will be followed by the procession of St. Matthew at 5:30 PM.

The last mass for the day is a healing mass for everyone that will be held at the San Mateo chapel by 7:30 PM and will be presided by Fr. Lawrence C. Paz.

May everyone will have a fun and blessed day and let’s not forget to give praise and thanks to St. Matthew who, with Aranzazu, also guided and protected our town from all challenges and catastrophes.








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