Forgiveness is a word that is more effortlessly spelled and read than actually be done in deed.  The 24th gospel’s theme actually focuses in to the word “forgiveness” wherein Jesus accounted a story of a wicked servant that was forgiven by his master of his huge debt but didn’t pity his fellow servant with the same matter. The wicked servant is punished by his master once knowing the disgraceful event, just like what the Holy Father would do to anyone who wouldn’t forgive their brothers from the heart with sincerity. Dear brothers and sisters, the first point in this gospel is that no one should ever ingrain wrath and hatred against each other. It is for the reason that you will never be liberated and obtain true happiness with old grudges you’ll carry throughout life for it is spiritually unhealthy.

Second point, the seven capital sins actually serves as the main roots of the other evil acts. Lust, the first of the seven, is actually the sexual desire that usually causes broken families or mistresses. My call to everyone influenced by this sin is to change your ways, repent and build back your families for you might regret everything afterwards and wouldn’t get anything worthy. Gluttony is the excessive consumption of food and drinks. Other than it is actually a bad habit it may actually effect your physical health so better of prevent this sin. Next is greed, which is more of the thought of self-centeredness or selfishness that usually is quoted by the lines “Akin ito, akin lang ang mga ito.” It is a sin that doesn’t actually value the moral of sharing.  Remember, no one will ever own anything permanently and materialistic pleasure wouldn’t do you any good but only evil. The fourth capital sin is sloth or laziness, people should learn to always stand in their own feet independently and avoid giving irrational commands to others. Next is envy, there is this term called holy envy that we should better observe than the negative allocation of this because it is a kind where your envy to others leads to more better results and advantages for oneself. And the last two are anger and pride that you shouldn’t keep for long. A tip that I could give is that if someone urges you to be influenced by these sins just turn your back from them, look up to the heavens and ask the Lord for guidance and a peaceful mind.

The last and final point is Memento mori a Latin phrase that actually means, “Remember that you have to die.” No matter how sinful you are, there will definitely be a point in your life that you will ask for pardon. Time will come that we will all be judged before Him by our earthly life and all of us would bow down for we are all sinners not worthy of His promised kingdom. For those brothers who are suffering injustice, be careful on asking for fairness against your enemies, for vengeance is actually in the hands of the Lord and forgiveness is in ours.  If you do not forgive others, you will not be forgiven for it is stated in the scriptures “The vengeful will suffer the Lord’s vengeance, for he remembers their sins in detail.” In this Sunday’s gospel, we are all called to live in love and forgiveness towards each other and eliminate hatred and grudges we have been keeping for a long time for the forgiving shall be forgiven. Amen.

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