You’re probably wondering what “Michaelmas” is. Is it some kind of a new liturgical celebration? A holiday about St. Michael? Pre-Christmas season?

To tell the truth, none of the suggestive questions above are correct!

Michaelmas is known as the feast day of the four archangels Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, and Raphael. It is celebrated every 29th of September.

Out of the four, Michael has got to be the most popular archangel. He was known for winning against Satan in a war in heaven. He is the greatest archangel, being the leader of all archangels and the army of God.

Just like St. Michael the Archangel, there will be times when the torch of leadership will be pass on to us. To lead a pack, a group, a team is a big responsibility. It entails making big decisions and sacrificing for the greater good.

What he and the other archangels did in the battle at heaven serves as an inspiration for us to do our best in conquering everyday temptations. Sin can be created in small instances like keeping unnecessary change in purchases, throwing wrappers anywhere, and even hurting your own kind.

On their feast day, may these four archangels continue in aiding us in the different battles that we encounter. (Kristine Tuting)

A Prayer to St. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, the Archangels

Heavenly King,You have given us archangels
to assist us during our pilgrimage on earth.
Saint Michael is our protector;
I ask him to come to my aid,
fight for all my loved ones,
and protect us from danger.
Saint Gabriel is a messenger of the Good News;
I ask him to help me
clearly hear Your voice
and to teach me the truth.
Saint Raphael is the healing angel;
I ask him to take my need for healing
and that of everyone I know,
lift it up to Your throne of grace
and deliver back to us the gift of recovery.
Help us, O Lord,
to realize more fully the reality of the archangels
and their desire to serve us.

Holy angels, pray for us.



Kristine Tuting

Kristine Tuting

Senior Writer, Website Team - Media Ministry

Kristine Tuting knows she has developed a love-hate relationship when it comes to writing. She obtained her bachelor's degree in BA Communication Arts at the University of Santo Tomas and her high school diploma at Nuestra Senora De Aranzazu Parochial School. When she's not working, Kristine treats the writing process as learning, especially when it comes to religious terminologies.

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