When we were sent to school for the first time, we cried while begging for our mama and papa not to leave us because as a child, we felt uncomfortable without having them around. Eventually, school has been the extension of our homes because of the people who treated us as if we were their own children, they are our teachers.

 Our Ma’am’s and Sir’s furthered the knowledge that our parents imparted to us. They taught us how to count bigger numbers; to read more complicated words; even how to analyze things and deal with different situations in life. We cannot measure the things that they shared to us not just academically but also spiritually.

For all those years that they have spent on molding countless number of students that they have handled, let us dedicate this day to them to express our sincerest gratitude.

Dear Mam/Sir,

There is no doubt that your love for us, your students is unparalleled. We are grateful for your patience and sacrifices just to share us the knowledge that would serve as our armor so we can be ready to face the real world. More than that, you showed us the real concern of a parent who wants nothing but the best for his/her children.

We are sincerely grateful for lending us your ears when we feel like we cannot carry our loads in life anymore, thank you for carrying our loads with yours without complaining. Thank you for giving us the warmest hugs when it feels like our world is crashing, for your calming words as if listening to them has already solved our problems. We are thankful for your presence, for being our best friends to whom we can share our tears and laughters. For keeping our secrets without judgements and for supporting us in our decisions in life. Above all, we are more than grateful to you for protecting us from the unfair criticisms of people who want to put us down.

No amount of gratitude can equal your efforts for us through all these years. May the passion stay in your hearts and may you continue to guide more youth so they can be the best version of themselves. All of you are like angels sent by God to earth to remind us what is right and just according to his rules. Angels who never left our sides to keep us away from the idea of giving up when life gets a bit difficult. Most importantly, for reminding us that God loves us so much that he sent you to be our guardians. Now that we celebrate your day as a Teacher, Mam/Sir, Professor, may you find a peace of mind and may also be refreshed why God gave you that special role in life. Mam/Sir, we pray that the passion burning in your hearts will never die.

Your student



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