Our beloved rector and parish priest, Fr. Lawrence “Larry”Paz of Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Nuestra Seora de Aranzazu celebrates his 24th Sacerdotal Ordination Anniversary last October 18. A man of His holy has brought about a myriad number of innovations in the parish and changed the lives of many. He pioneered and spear-headed several projects and community service that ultimately, transformed the parish and an ever increasing number of devotees of Our Lady of Aranzazu.

It would be impossible to translate into words the impact Father has had in not limited in the religious institution, rather in the spiritual development and culture of people in the town of San Mateo.

All through the years, Father fundamentally change the way we learned that an ordinary ordained minister would not even contemplate of, but Father Larry Paz is no ordinary parish priest of San Mateo Rizal.

Just with his words, you cant help but be inspired to make your way of life with the trusting faith in God. Consequently, here are five parishioners who shared and had filled with a different zeal and vibrance to describe Father Larryin a word.


According to Bro. Liwanag, lay minister of DSPNSDA, Fr. Larry profoundly promotes excellence in the parish at all times. Hes very committed in being particular and meticulous even with the minimal operations however, most especially, in religious and liturgical actions of the people inside the church and of traditional ceremonies that need to be exercised with sacred duties.


Every Sunday mass parishoner Josefina Allarey anticipates the homily of Fr. Larry, who she perceives as a very devoted priest. When preaching the good news, Fr. Larry passionately shares valuable reflections from the Gospel, sheds light about the significance of Church existence and divine worship and faith in God that Josefina finds reinforcement in her spiritual and moral values.


On the relevant context above, Sis. Gloria Villanueva of El Shaddai Community told about the candid personality of Fr. Larry. No one barely finds the Eucharistic mass of Fr. Larry tedious because of his witticism, frank opinion and make use of firm yet truthful words on prevailing issues in the community during the homily. Thus, evidently when he speaks, he inspires in his own right considering of his established edge on entertaining churchgoers that instantly serves as an avenue for everybody to stay woke and engaged.


Along with the cliche statement of With great power comes great responsibility, for Sis. Jessamyn Centino from Ministry of Lectors of DSPNSDA, Fr. Larry is a powerful mediator for he had made much of an impact in Jessamyns own living. It started when she learns to apply fruitful take aways and meaningful lessons from Fr. Larry in everyday life during Sunday mass and her personal encounter with him. Likewise, in such way, Fr. Larry fosters her spiritual and emotional state of being. Many of the devotees believe in him. He had gone through remarkable contributions in the parish, all that redefines the growing number of devotees of Our Lady of Aranzazu.


The furthest extent above all for Bro. Romil Cahatol of Lectors and Commentators Ministry, DSPNSDA is that Fr. Larry have had touched each and everyone and moved a profuse amount of lives of thousands of people in the past years of his priesthood. One of his personal encounter with Fr. Larry was the preparation of last Canonical Coronation, he admired how manifestly synchronized he can be to effectively lead, approachable and knowledgable to everyone which then truly struck him the most.

Father Larry Paz truly goes the extra mile touching the lives of thousands of pilgrim, and with that we thank you Father for your loving service to Mankind and may Gods blessings guide you to accomplish your goals in priestly ministry throughout the coming years. (Michaela Acilo)



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