Sunday morning in our parish, October 22, 2017, the room assigned to us is a little bit small and stuffy to accommodate more than 200 people. Theres just enough space for five tables that we are going to use as nurses stations. Some of our supplies and materials were already a couple of minutes late. Given some fairly large last-minute hurdles and difficulties, that doesnt hinder us from our goal that day. Our team overcame in getting everything in place. Miraculously, despite many challenges and turns in a long road we were still able to run our medical mission, #Stronger.

The lines never seemed to decrease. The total for the day reached 210 and over the course of our medical mission, our dedicated, caring, and amazingly flexible members steeped up to whatever tasks arose. We joined hands and linked arms with all the other members of our team, some volunteers were from DOH of whom we hardly knew, to form a caring group of servants who worked together in difficult conditions with dedication, perseverance and joy.

And after two weeks of preparations, with the help and assistance of Department of Health Regional Office 4A and our Parish Pastoral Council, we are able to provide free Anti-Dengue Vaccines to our Kadambana. We all knew that dengue is the fastest growing mosquito-borne disease in the world and public engagement is the key to successful dengue prevention and control. It is a shared responsibility which needs collective actions from all stakeholders to work together and enhance cooperation as one community.

We, the Gawarasal are intensely grateful for the support we received from our faith community, families and friends. Our many donors from our organization deserve special thanks. They helped us purchase medical supplies, buy foods and all the materials we need to use that morning. They were with us in spirit and their care made the mission a success.

We supported and were supported. We held and were held. We loved and were loved. All for the Glory of God.

Whatever GOD ordains you to do, put your heart, mind and strength for His Gloryin the service of the people. (Jason Villanueva)


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