Eternal rest, grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.

What do people fear most about death?

“Well, for one thing, what happens next? Where do we go? Is it what we imagined?

“Yes. But there’s something else.”

“Being forgotten…”Albert Lewis, “Have a Little Faith”



Memento mori. – Remember you will die. A Latin phrase I keep on mentioning over and over again during mass, a phrase I want to instill in all of you. All of us are going to die but why are people afraid to talk about it as if it is not a normal thing? As if it is something we can escape from?


In the book “Have a Little Faith” by Mitch Albom, he asked Albert Lewis, a Rabbi, on what do people fear most about death and he answered, being forgotten.


When we are still alive, we keep all the things that we think is important; aside from photo albums, we handover our rings, necklaces or other possessions to our children or grandchildren which we think they will treasure to keep them reminded about us. Again, I’m telling you, your children or grandchildren may keep that for how many years but the generations next to them won’t keep those things from you anymore because they won’t know anything about you, even your name. That is when we will be forgotten and that is one of the things that we fear about death.


Also Read Don’t fear the inevitable.


Spend more time with your family, share your wisdom to your children, laugh with them. If your family remembers you, if your family prays for you, you live on. Do something good during your lifetime, help people, inspire people, do something great for humanity. It doesn’t have to be great that you have to be famous. If you do that, then you will be remembered. You live on.


Death also means facing the truth, it is the day when we face God and answer his questions “What good have you done on earth?” or “What did you do with the life I have lent you to make it meaningful?”


We are afraid to die simply because we are not yet ready. I’m telling you, there is no certain time when you will be ready for your death so always be prepared for it. Whether you’re ready or not, you will die as long as God wants you to and only Him knows when.

Stay away from evil things, stay away from temptations. Follow God’s holy rules. Veer away from hatred, forgive people who have wronged you and ask forgiveness from people whom you’ve done wrong. Death is everywhere and it can come to you anytime. Be prepared before it’s too late that you have no more time to repent from your sins. Because when you die, you can’t pray for yourself anymore.


When we die, we are given the opportunity to be with our creator again and it should be a day that we all look forward to. It should be an waited day for everyone. Don’t fear because we don’t know how good is the life waiting for us after death, instead, do things that will be remembered so you will also be remembered. That way, you won’t be afraid to face God and will be proud that you’ve do something helpful and inspirational in the world using the life God have lent you.



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