Participating in the March of Saints were from different organizations and from Munting Sambayanang Kristiyano. Photo: A. Yango / MPIM

A different approach in celebrating All Saint’s Day also known as All Hallows’ Day or Feast of All Saints, was done in the Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Our Lady of Aranzazu. The parade of saints, which the original organizers called “March of Saints,” presents an alternative way of celebrating one of the most known feast in the Catholic Church.

Youth and children dressed in costumes depicting their favourite saints gathered in the church early morning of October 31st, Tuesday, to celebrate a mass and parade in the familiar streets near the parochial grounds.

The parishioners of the Diocesan Shrine composed mainly of the Munting Sambayanang Kristiyano (MSK), Family Life Apostolate, organizations and the students of the Nuestra Señora de Aranzazu Parochial School, paraded in bright colorful costumes to spread a happy atmosphere of commemorating the day of all the saints.

Saints are for everyone. Photo: Dani Villanueva

The parade displayed the exact opposite of the common horrific, violent and bloody scenes that people around the world has been traditionally doing which negates the true spirit of the catholic celebration of remembering the faith and martyrdom of all the church’s faithful departed, both known and unknown.

All Saint’s Day and All Soul’s Day are both “sacred days” and not scary days. Sis. Raquel Ortega / PPC Worship



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