San Mateo, Rizal–The Parish Youth Ministry of the Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Our Lady of Aranzazu successfully held its 10th Rosary Crusade last October 31. Just like every year, the Ministry prayed the rosary with thirty selected families, whose kids who are part of the youth Ministry. With the leadership of Sis. Lia and the whole PYM Core, they brought Our Lady of Fatima and St. Archangel to every house.

I make it a point to be part of this event every year. Why do I love attending this prayerful event? Here are my three reasons:

  1. There’s a Reflection theme every year.

This year’s theme of the Rosary Crusade was the Seven Sorrows of Mary. Every day, we get to reflect on the series of painful and yet reflective events of the Blessed virgin Mary. After the reflection, there is a guide question that gives everyone the chance to reflect and share based on their own personal experience. Through that, we get to relate to the experiences of each youth and even to the members of the family.

  1. It’s a nightly fellowship.

Every night, we get to visit different homes of our fellow Youth members coming from different organizations. We get to know each other and even their families as well. Members of the families get to appreciate the participation of their sons/daughters on the youth ministry.

  1. We offer our own Prayer petition.

Even if we do not say it loudly, one thing in common for us, attendees, of this event is that we offer specific prayer intentions every night or every week. We offer this through the intercession of Mary and with the guidance of St. Archangel.

Through this event, we encourage everyone to pray the rosary every day, make this our daily habit with the family or reflect on our prayers alone.



Val Paolo Origenes

Val Paolo Origenes

Senior Writer, Website Team - MPIM

Val Paolo Started his Service at the Parish on the year 2014. He started as Mamamalakaya feature and news writer. On the year 2015, he was one of the pioneer member of Tanghalang Aranzazu and he later then became one of the council officer of the theatre group. On the year 2007, he asked to be part of Ministry for Youth Affairs which is now known as the Parish Youth Ministry. He was one of the youth officer who spearheaded programs like Youth Jam, Youth Camp, Solar Youth day and many more. During his stay in the ministry he was asked to revive Mamamalakaya where be became the Project Director/EIC of the publishing group.
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