Tatlong Munting Baboy Production circa 2007. Proudly one of my best moments at Tanghalang Aranzazu; planked by these amazing and creative people and brains of the TA Productions.

Twelve years ago, I was just an average Aranzan who only cares about where to hang out with my barkada until I joined Tanghalang Aranzazu, the official theatre organization of Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Nuestra Senora de Aranzazu, an organization established by the love for Mary. It started as a project requirement until I find my amore in joining every production. I started to sell tickets as Marketing Officer, explode light bulbs as Lights Staff, run around lapel mics as Sounds Staff, sweep floors as House Manager until I preside meetings as a Production Manager. Hopping on different tasks was never easy but absolutely rewarding as I learned these 5 things that brought me to where I am now:


  • Failure is inevitable. I failed many times and somehow consider myself as the weakest member of the organization but it didn’t stop me from striving and finding my way to contribute more value with little talent. Luckily, I was appointed as the first Coordinator of the organization, successor of the Founding Chairman.


  • Love your work. I might not have found the thing that I love to do, but I got to love whatever I am doing. I was never an actor nor a good singer. I was even bad in speaking in public and organizing a meeting. But when you put your heart in whatever you do, you’ll discover that anything can be learned and you can even master it. I pursued public speaking and organizing a meeting track and now it greatly helped me in my current work and engagements.


  • Shrug uncontrollable things off your shoulder. As a senior member of the organization, I am frequently involved in solving issues of different natures and complexities. As time pass by, I learned that I should not make every conflict a big deal, things will fall into their proper places without you touching them. There are things that are out of your control and you have to accept it.


  • Membership expires but friendship is forever. There were people whom I was not in good terms with. This is very frustrating and they probably have engraved dark spots in your life that you wished you never met them. I learned that when you offered a genuine personal relationship with these people, even they hated you, there will come a time that you will still have their backs and you will be willing to fight for them or support them in whatever cause they have outside the organization. I learned not to keep grudges as friendship is always beautiful.


  • Trust God’s plans. TA showed me how God really works on the possible and the impossible. From working on zero budget to few staff, TA have always produced quality productions from on-house productions both indoor and outdoor to caravan productions reaching as far as Paco, Manila. I have witnessed how these miracles are revealed right in front of you that there is no reason for you to doubt.


For sure, TA has inspired and produced more good citizens who are proud bearers of TA culture and values to wherever they are now. And TA will continue producing more thespians who will proudly join us uproaring “Caritas Cristi Urget Nos!”.  Emmanuel Baque Jr.



Emmanuel Baque

Emmanuel Baque

Contributor, NSDAPS Alumni Council

Emmanuel Baque Jr. aka Baque is currently the adviser of Tanghalang Aranzazu and President of NSDAPS Alumni Association. He graduated from PUP with a degree on BS Information Technology. He is currently HR System Admin in Unilever. He loves to run, play volleyball and badminton. He loves coffee, movies and foooooood.

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