To be prayed before the Celebration of the Holy Eucharist on The Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians 22 November 2017. #RedWednesdayPH

MANILA – As a sign of solidarity with the millions of persecuted Christians all over the world, selected churches and universities in the country will light their façades in red this Nov. 22 and celebrate late afternoon Masses as part of the #RedWednesdayPH campaign. The faithful are also encouraged to wear red.

“I hope that through this campaign, more Filipinos will be made aware of the reality and the severity of persecution of their fellow Christians and that this awareness leads to concrete actions of support through prayer, information, and charity,” said Jomar Luciano, national director of Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) Philippines, the lead organizer of the said campaign.

According to a briefer released by ACN Philippines, the #RedWednesdayPH campaign aims to achieve the following:

  • Educate the public including the youth about the nature and scale of Christian persecution;
  • Create awareness among Filipino Christians of their membership within a bigger global Christian family;
  • Encourage Christians of all ages and traditions to stand up for faith and freedom and the right of Christians to practice their faith without fear or obstruction

The said campaign is just one of simultaneous Red Wednesday campaigns in countries like the U.K, Australia, Ireland, Italy, and France. Nirva dela Cruz.



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