1. It’s all original.

The musical play consists of 6 original songs especially made for the play. The book (story) and lyrics are written by Bro. Jerson Guiwa and music composed by Bro. Blandamier Caritan, Bro. Laurence Aguas, and Sis. Jayla Dela Cruz. It also includes 5 original existing songs by Bro. Blandamier Caritan and 5 existing devotion hymns and songs for the Our Lady of Aranzazu.

  1. It’s a Collaboration.

Collaboration has an important meaning to art. It is where the collaborators set aside their pride in order to work toward common idea or goal. Each designer and member will tell one another on how to make the direction of the combined effort better.

The Musical Director (Bro. Laurence Aguas), Choreographer (Bro. Russel Naval), Vocal Coach (Sis. Dharyl Imari Yuson), Designers and the TA’s Production Staff have all collaborated for the one vision of the play.

The designers and members of the production are old and new members of TA. Old members of the organization are now designers and heads who serve as guides as they teach the new breed of TA members. Old and reliable people of TA have also joined and committed to be part of the production.

  1. Actors who can sing.

The director made it clear from the very start that he wants actors who can sing than singers who can act. The audience will cheer not only because of their marvelous singing voice but also the truth and sincerity of their acting, not to mention dancing. For most of the actors, this will be their first time to perform in a Musical Play.

And when we say, IT IS A MUSICAL…

  1. … it is Live!

Have you ever sing, act, and dance all at the same time? The play is a triple treat. Live means no lip synched accompanied by a Live band.

  1. The Venue

You will never see the Parish Hall the same way again. For years, the hall located at the Nuestra Señora de Aranzazu Parochial School has been TA’s venue for most their productions. Accessibility is the main reason.

Everyone can easily access the venue; it is just on the ground beside the Parish Office where young and especially old can see and experience the play. It is indoor so weather interruption will not be a problem. The play will be performed every weekend so you can catch it until it last! The Show Must (really!) Go On!

  1. Meet people you never knew played an important part in our parish.

Did you know Fr. Juan Echazabal, Fr. Juan Confalonier, Tio Emilio?

These were the people who played important parts on our parish. Get to meet them in flesh.

  1. It’s not just about our church, it’s also about our beloved town – San Mateo.

Aranzazu is Birhen ng Bayang San Mateo. So aside from the church, it will be a throwback on our town’s past.

Did you know that San Mateo was part of Manila back then?

  1. Not your usual history lesson.

Some people think that history is boring. But you will never get the boredom you might be thinking to not see the play. The play has a unique way of storytelling and it will not be a typical history class. Speaking of making history exciting and interesting!

  1. It is different yet recognizable and relatable.

Just like any form of art and literature, the play has universal themes. Events and accounts in the play can happen and still happening everywhere, in any parish, or in any town.

  1. Message of Devotion

Aranzazu: Debosyon at Kasaysayan will show how important is the devotion to the people and how it worked and blessed their lives.

  1. Mixed Emotions

The play will make you feel different human emotions. It has elements of Magic, Drama, Comedy, Agony and Deceit. And of course, just like any plays, Love Story. It will also make you think as you leave the theater.

  1. TA presents a LOVE STORY for Our Lady of Aranzazu

For the past 12 years, TA has been producing plays par excellence. This new production is a way of saying Thank You for the love and blessings of Our Lady of Aranzazu. This is the organization version and contribution for the 300 year-celebration and Canonical Coronation of Our Lady of Aranzazu.

Members are not paid; it is just full commitment. As part of their devotion and by the use of art as a tool of devotion, they are incorporating theatre to evangelize people. It is proof that Art and Religion can work hand in hand.

And that’s the top 12 reason why you must witness and experience the remarkable play of the year. What are you waiting for? Save the date and go get your tickets!



Lester de Castro

Lester de Castro

Writer, Website Team - Media Ministry

To those who know him, no words are required. To those who do not, no words will suffice. Lester R. de Castro is a “scholar ng bayan” at Polytechnic University of the Philippines taking up Accountancy, Business, and Management. Lester belongs to his batches’ "Cream of the Crop" dominating to a remarkable vision of the future. Currently, as a website writer of DSPNSDA’s Media and Public Information Ministry, the talents and skills he received from the Almighty above are being used and shared not only for his own good but for the good of others as well. He believes that in life, God must be the center who guides us towards the right path.

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