I’ve always been fascinated by stories about Medieval Times. Even by kings, knights and of being a warrior wielding a war-hammer with sturdy armor conquering vast territories to defeat evil enemies. But the ruling part of being a king struck me most because of its purely symbolic function in a sovereign state. Since a king’s word has such power, people would follow with or out of fear knowing that it is the right thing to do for themselves and for the kingdom.

In contemplation of that what qualities do make a king or a leader good?

A just leader desires everything that is for the well-being and prosperity for his people. On the other hand, a just king is a shepherd who leads his sheep to greener pastures.

In the Gospel, the values in Jesus’ kingdom are service and humility. He is showing us that he, the Son of Man, is just. Jesus is telling us that he wants us to be just like himself. And being just means doing good to our fellow human beings.

Every time we are indifferent, every time we refuse to “feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, welcome the stranger, cloth the naked, take care of the ill, visit those in prison,” we fail to do good. We fail to be just and we are being indifferent to Jesus.

Ultimately Jesus is our King and our Shepherd. But it is up to us, his most precious subjects, his beloved sheep to follow him. God gives us free rein of ourselves because he wants us to make that just decision in our lives.

This Feast of Christ the King is an invitation to all those who have power or authority to compare their use of power or authority with Jesus.

Going back to my fascinating views, Personally, I would take comfort and joy in having a kind of just King. A king Almighty whom I want to eternally serve and glorify in my heart and in all hearts of the people in his Kingdom. (Michaela Acilo)



Lester de Castro

Lester de Castro

Writer, Website Team - Media Ministry

To those who know him, no words are required. To those who do not, no words will suffice. Lester R. de Castro is a “scholar ng bayan” at Polytechnic University of the Philippines taking up Accountancy, Business, and Management. Lester belongs to his batches’ "Cream of the Crop" dominating to a remarkable vision of the future. Currently, as a website writer of DSPNSDA’s Media and Public Information Ministry, the talents and skills he received from the Almighty above are being used and shared not only for his own good but for the good of others as well. He believes that in life, God must be the center who guides us towards the right path.

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