Almost a hundred Marian images coming from different cities and provinces in the country participated in the 38th Grand Marian Procession (GMP) yesterday, December 3 at Intramuros, Manila.

Grand Marian Procession is an annual event that takes place on every first Sunday of December in honor of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception that is organized by the Intramuros administration.

Our Lady of Aranzazu, in her 21st year of attending the GMP, and first time as a Canonically crowned Marian image, was welcomed by people of Manila and other devotees from different provinces who also attended the said event.

Stampitas with printed images of various Marian images, rosaries, pendants and other religious materials were distributed to the people who watched the procession. Our Lady of Aranzazu, from the town of San Mateo which is known for its Kakanin Festival, gave away kakanin to the devotees who were there.

Although rain poured before the event has started, it did not hinder the faith of the people who danced, sang, praised, and prayed for their Marian patronesses.



Camille Cabal

Camille Cabal

EIC, Website Team, Media Ministry

Camille embodies a soul of a writer that’s why even though how many times she tried turning away from it, she finds herself not only coming back but also loving it. Camille finished her Bachelor’s degree major in Communication in Trinity University of Asia. She is now working as a freelance copywriter. Her desire to explore a new world is her reason for joining Media and Public Information Ministry. Being with MPIM for years taught her how passionate she can get. She believes that the best way to get things done is to put your heart into whatever you do.

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