Together. Forever. Friends.

[Blog] Kids are having fun with their new toys, a remote control car, a bigger Barbie house while some are happy with the amount of money they received from their ninongs and ninangs. This time of the year maybe the happiest for everyone for we either get what we’ve been wanting to have for the whole year or at least we get something new.

At the age of 21, believe it or not, I can say that I am already satisfied with my life. Not that I won’t strive for the better anymore, let’s just say that I am grateful with the things I have right now. 2017 was the year when I finished my college degree with Latin Honors, before the year ended, I consider myself blessed for getting my dream job as a copywriter.

When I was praying for a job, I wasn’t really particular about the position, how much would be my salary or what kind of colleagues I wanted to have, what I was just praying for was, anywhere that would be accessible for me. When I got hired last October, that was the time when I felt God in my life again. I feel very blessed to the point that I felt like I don’t deserve all these. After the consecutive days of receiving no job offers, one email changed my life, a company was offering me my dream job and the salary isn’t bad for a fresh graduate.

I felt more fortunate when I started to know my officemates. They were very nice to me that they taught me everything one by one and guided me while I am still adjusting in the workplace. They even gave me birthday gifts when they found out that I’ll be celebrating my birthday on December. It’s another bonus to have a good boss, someone who’ll make you feel welcome and someone who makes sure you won’t feel bad if your project isn’t chosen by the client. These people made me feel like part of the family with just a short span of time of knowing me.

As you reach the point of your life when you step into the “adulting” stage from being a student, there will be a lot of changes, based on my own experience, it’s a total opposite. It’s like turning your life 180 degrees, total opposite. You’ll start paying for the family’s bills and groceries, you won’t have the same courage you had when you were still asking for allowance from your parents (believe me).

Since this year’s was my first Christmas as an “employed,” I made sure that I will have Christmas gifts for my whole family. For how many Christmas of just receiving and not giving them anything, this year, I wanted to give them something special and useful. (I didn’t care if I get broke at the end of the year). Seeing them opening my gifts and knowing that they loved my presents for them was priceless.

I may have achieved a lot of things that I can be grateful for, but 2017 taught me that the best things in life aren’t really things. The blessings in life aren’t limited to material things. The best things in life are the people in your life, your family, your friends, your colleagues who have been you guardians, and walls to lean on during the toughest days of the year. May we all remember to thank them even through a simple message for making our year a blessed one. Camille Cabal / Editor -in-Chief,



Camille Cabal

Camille Cabal

EIC, Website Team, Media Ministry

Camille embodies a soul of a writer that’s why even though how many times she tried turning away from it, she finds herself not only coming back but also loving it. Camille finished her Bachelor’s degree major in Communication in Trinity University of Asia. She is now working as a freelance copywriter. Her desire to explore a new world is her reason for joining Media and Public Information Ministry. Being with MPIM for years taught her how passionate she can get. She believes that the best way to get things done is to put your heart into whatever you do.

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