New Year’s resolution is when a person attempts to resolve and fix an unwanted trait or behavior, to achieve a personal goal or otherwise improve their lives.

Approaching a new year also means a new list of resolutions and commonly found on it are to lose weight and get fit, quit smoking and learn something new. But this yearly tradition is usually put into nothing for the desired change isn’t achieved at all.

Repeating such tradition without accomplishing the goal becomes meaningless unless you really set your heart towards it. Although not everyone believes and participate in the New Year’s resolution craze it doesn’t truly show that they are afraid of change.

The genuine point of this is that one doesn’t have to change just for the sake of changing and getting along with the said tradition.

It is not already changing for oneself but to escape the moors of judgment from the society and shows the fact that we are just merely afraid to be trapped from our dark past and never progress through time.

It doesn’t matter if one does have a list or not but what’s important is that a year passed filled not only with good memories but also the bad habits and challenges life threw towards you to inculcate a lesson that will be brought towards one’s lifetime as a part of the process of being a better person.

The challenges and perfect imperfections is what makes all of us truly human for as it states in this quote, “A rose is not a rose without its thorns as life will not be complete without its spices.”

Why not consider first to have a bond closer to God and consider undergoing the process and journey of changing through Him and with Him despite all your flaws, for He will use it to build you as a tougher individual ready to encounter the trials in life.

Mariele Aquino

Mariele Aquino

Junior Writer, Website Team, Media Ministry

Mariele R. Aquino is a member and website writer of the NSDA’s Media and Public Information Ministry, an aspiring future medical specialist and currently a STEM senior high school student in the Royal and Pontifical University of Santo Tomas. Her principle in life is that genuine success is something achieved through a path and battlefield of dodging a thousand bullets without the course of self-centered desires and conducts for temporary existential accomplishment. As a form of simple youthful religious fervor, Mariele used her skills, talent and dedication in writing to serve her Lord but also to grow not only intellectually but more on spiritually.

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