Fr. Larry initiated the launching of National Bible Week planked by the Evangelization Ministry Coordinator, Bro. Mark Pelobello.

SAN MATEO, Rizal – Last Sunday, Rev. Fr. Larry Paz, parish priest of Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Nuestra Señora de Aranzazu (DSPNSDA) along with the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) and other ministries, officially opened the celebration of the National Bible Week with a theme “Ang biblia ang sandigan ng matuwid na pamumuno at pamumuhay.” 

Fr. Larry Paz facilitated the Liturgy of the Bible Enthronement prior to the 7:30 am mass. Bible Enthronement is an act of giving honor to the word of God that is represented by the Bible. He also blessed the bibles in the exhibit beside the altar. During the mass, Fr. Toto, a guest priest, emphasized the importance of having a bible at home and reading it. He said that we don’t just buy a bible for the sake of having one at home. We should read and share the messages in it.

The National Bible Week will last until January 28, Sunday. Culminating activities will be conducted in line with the celebration.



Jerson Rey Guiwa

Jerson Rey Guiwa

Senior Writer, Creative Team - Media Ministry

A Theatre, TV, Corporate AVP and Film practitioner (based on priority), Jers started his professsional career even before he graduated college. If school is the second home for many, the church is for Jers. He is a strong advócate of religión and art. He believes that both can work hand in hand for the glory of God. He had previously written articles for the now defunct, Mamamalakaya which he bécame the Feature Editor for a year. He is a lover of nature, the idea of love and life, and the world and peace. He is very honored to be  part of the energetic and voracious pool of writers contributing for the website par exellence that is

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