SAN MATEO, Rizal – The NSDA community celebrate a requiem mass at the Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Nuestra Señora de Aranzazu in honor of the late parish priest Rev. Fr. Lawrence “Larry” Paz last Saturday, February 10.

The mass was opted to start by 9 pm but the parish was already filled with parishioners before the arrival of Fr. Larry’s remains at 7 pm to at least have a last glimpse and give respect to the priest who once religiously served the town of San Mateo. Fr. Larry’s immediate family was also present in the solemn mass.

Fr. Ric Eguia, the Vicar Forane of the Vicariate of Our Lady of Aranzazu presided the celebration together with other several priests from the vicariate.

In the homily, Fr. Cunegundo Garganta was uncertain about how to start and greet the mass attendees while everyone is still in a state of shock from the reason of the celebration of the mass.

He later mentioned that the church was filled with the parishioners not only because of Fr. Larry’s popularity but because of having exceptionally lived a religious vocation.

Sharing some of his unforgettable thoughts about the departed rector is that of being a good speaker in his homily with the touch of sense of humor that never fails to entertain the church goers, his boundless friendliness and self-confidence makes Fr. Larry easy-going and approachable to many.

“Kulang ang mga salita para magpasalamat.” This was the statement of Fr. Garganta as he ended his homily in respect of his late religious brother then later on proceeded to the singing of Salve Regina along with the blessing of Fr. Larry’s remains.

After the requiem mass was another public viewing of the departed Aranzazu rector and parish priest.


Mariele Aquino

Mariele Aquino

Junior Writer, Website Team, Media Ministry

Mariele R. Aquino is a member and website writer of the NSDA’s Media and Public Information Ministry, an aspiring future medical specialist and currently a STEM senior high school student in the Royal and Pontifical University of Santo Tomas. Her principle in life is that genuine success is something achieved through a path and battlefield of dodging a thousand bullets without the course of self-centered desires and conducts for temporary existential accomplishment. As a form of simple youthful religious fervor, Mariele used her skills, talent and dedication in writing to serve her Lord but also to grow not only intellectually but more on spiritually.

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