Now that we are on the second week of Lent, there are people who have committed not to eat meet on Fridays since Ash Wednesday while there are those who temporarily turned down their social media accounts as a way of sacrificing for this Lenten Season. To guide us in our own little sacrifices, here are things that we can reflect on during this season.
1. You are God’s child
We do things everyday not caring on how other people see us because who cares? This is my own life, but the truth is at the end of the day, we all live for the fact that we are God’s children. Being a God’s child should be reflective on our lives, even through simple ways. A man who always smile and lives a positive life is a man who joyfully claims that he is a child of God. Like the way our parents love us, God still forgives, accepts and loves us unconditionally even after being a disobedient child in many different ways.
2. God is our light
Whenever we receive good things, be grateful for it. Every good thing that comes to us is a gift from above. Giving us blessings is not just a way of God’s showing His love to us, it is also a way of telling us that “this is how heaven feels.” What we do not know is that we can also be like God who can be the light for others. Whatever great we have or feel, must be shared to others. Simply say, be a blessing to other people who may want to come close to God but is being hindered by the struggles of life. Who says we can’t all be angels and make this earth a heaven while we are all waiting for the time that we come home to our Father’s heaven.
3. Confess Your Sins
One of the things that you can do this Lent is to repent and confess your sins to the Lord. When we confess, we admit all our sins to the Lord and we ask for the forgiveness of those sins. Confession isn’t as simple as mentioning all your mistakes. When we confess, we need to do it with a contrite heart (pusong nagsisisi). If we are sincerely sorry for our sins, we will be cleansed. When we confess, we make God happy because His child is coming back to Him. Once you are forgiven by God, it is just right to forgive those who have wronged you.
It is great to know that many of us are willing to sacrifice things that we can’t spend a day or week without as a way of commemorating and reflecting the time when Jesus sacrificed a lot even his own life for us. It doesn’t matter if your sacrifices are great or simple, the most important thing is we understand the real meaning of this event. May we also do our own little sacrifices even during ordinary days. When you feel like you are about to quit, always put in your mind and heart that all sacrifices are redemptive.

Camille Cabal
EIC, Website Team, Media Ministry
Camille embodies a soul of a writer that’s why even though how many times she tried turning away from it, she finds herself not only coming back but also loving it. Camille finished her Bachelor’s degree major in Communication in Trinity University of Asia. She is now working as a freelance copywriter. Her desire to explore a new world is her reason for joining Media and Public Information Ministry. Being with MPIM for years taught her how passionate she can get. She believes that the best way to get things done is to put your heart into whatever you do.