Via Crucis also known as “Way of the Cross” is one of the most popular devotions in Roman Catholic even during the time of St. Francis of Assisi. This spiritual pilgrimage exhibits the 14 important events during Christ’s passion. The people will stop from one station to another to utter their prayers and reflections. This was normally done every Good Friday, in a spirit of atonement for the sufferings that Christ had underwent in fulfilling his mission.

Having observed the richness of Christian devotion of the people of San Mateo, Via Crucis was done every Holy Monday. This serves as an opening activity during the Holy Week, and also a reminder for them to contemplate the pains and sorrows of Christ.

San Mateans have a unique way of doing such pilgrimage. The devotees and parishioners carry a life-size cross as they move from one station to another. Prayers  were led by the Ministry of Lectors, which was followed by the singing of religious songs headed by the different parish choirs

Upon seeing this, you will notice how they solemnly take this activity. Eyes were closed, heads were bowed as they pray, and they didn’t even bother if they kneel before the ground. San Mateans knew the significance of this activity in strengthening their relationship with Lord Jesus Christ.

Maybe there are a lot of things we could do this Lenten Season if you want to reflect on God’s sacrifices and repent on your sins but Via Crucis, as it deconstructs the passion of Christ could be one of the best means I could suggest to you. (Flint Gorospe)



Flint Osric Gorospe

Flint Osric Gorospe

Senior Writer, Website Team - Media Ministry

Flint is an 18 year-old journalism student from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines. He is also a developing writer, actor, singer, photographer and a church servant. Started as a young member of Tanghalang Aranzazu, Flint had developed his craft throughout the years and expanded his networks as he joined in different church organizations. Currently, he is the Secretary of Avant Garde Singers and also a member of Ministry of Altar Servers, Tanghalang Aranzazu and Media and Public Information Ministry.

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