Photo Courtesy of Aranzazu Youth

Senakulo, Pagbasa ng Pasyon and the procession of images depicting the passion of the Christ; these are the activities which are commonly conducted every Holy Tuesday in the different parts of the country. But because of the world’s innovations and passion of the Christians, new ways or trends were developed in contemplating the great sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ.

In the Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Nuestra Señora De Aranzazu (DSPNSDA), the Parish Pastoral Council together with Evangelization Ministry, Parish Youth Ministry and GAWARASAL, produced a Lenten Special entitled: Pagsuko: Mga Kwento ng Pag-asa, Pananampalataya at Pag-ibig. This consists of three short documentary dramas – Dasal, Silay and Tore in which each film showed how God played a major role as they encounter the great trial in their lives.
Now, for us to understand more about these documentary dramas, allow me to unravel these stories for you.

Invaluable Devotion

Dasal tells us the life of Sister Aida Salvador-a member of Legion of Mary and the founder of Association of Our Lady of Aranzazu. Regardless of her old age, Sister Aida didn’t hinder herself to continue her faithful devotion as she believes that going to church every day could strengthen her faith more. Her story is a good representation of Christian faith, in which us, Christ believers should also adapt.

Undying Hope

Silay showcased the story of Joey Vhie Tolin and the glimpse of hope that she’s holding with. Despite the inability to see and the criticisms that she received, Joey Vhie persevered enough until she finished her degree in Broadcast Communication at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines. Her case only proves that there’s nothing impossible if it is the will of God.

Fortified Love

The last documentary drama, entitled Tore showed how a sacrifice filled with love and Christ-centered marriage strengthens a relationship. Bro. Jojo and Sis. Lisa Matociños’ story of ups and downs in life is an epitome of the greatest form of love that we as part of the Christian community should practice.

Lenten special only proves that Christian teachings can be conveyed in different medium and different art forms. But for us to make these teachings meaningful, we should apply it in our daily lives. (Flint Osric Gorospe)



Flint Osric Gorospe

Flint Osric Gorospe

Senior Writer, Website Team - Media Ministry

Flint is an 18 year-old journalism student from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines. He is also a developing writer, actor, singer, photographer and a church servant. Started as a young member of Tanghalang Aranzazu, Flint had developed his craft throughout the years and expanded his networks as he joined in different church organizations. Currently, he is the Secretary of Avant Garde Singers and also a member of Ministry of Altar Servers, Tanghalang Aranzazu and Media and Public Information Ministry.

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