SAN MATEO, Rizal – The Biblical Apostolate (B.A.) of DSPNSDA Evangelization ministry conducted the Basic Bible Seminar Level 1 (BBS1) headed by its newly installed B.A. Coordinator, Sis. Cleo Borjal last April 14, 2018.
During the First Day of the Bible Seminar, Rev. Fr. Bembol Hiteroza, our new Parish Priest, gave his welcome and opening Remarks & told the Participants the purpose of the seminar; it will give them the information, formation & transformation needed. Among the participants were the DSPNSDA community especially the parish workers were members from the GAWARASAL and the Lay Ministers, and other church organizations.
Day 1 of the BBS1 started with the Acquaintance & General Orientation, then the Bible Enthronement by the B.A. service team. Overview of Day 1 was given by Bro. Jason Villanueva, coordinator of GAWARASAL. Bible Scanning & Talk 1 “The Bible as a Book” was given by Sis. Gene Paja, also an active member of GAWARASAL. Talk 2 “Approaches to the Bible” and Group Bible Sharing was given by Sis. Sol Buenafe, the Former PPC Vice-president.

The BBS Level 1 Graduates. Photo: Sol M. Buenafe
Election of BBS1 2018 Class 1 Officers was also conducted before the end of Day 1 Session. Day 2 was the continuation of the Bible/Gospel Sharing followed by the the 3rd Conference on “The Bible as the Word of God” shared by Sis. Lilia Rodriguez, also an active Parishioner and wife of our former Evangelization Head, the late Tito Mon Rodriguez. The 4th Conference, “Respond to the Word of God” was shared by Bro. Conrado Salamat, from the Pag-ibig ng Panginoon Community. Confession of the BBS1 Participants was given by the Parish Vicar, Rev. Fr. Edwin Tirado, then followed by the Ceremony on signing the Covenant Certificate to the Graduating BBS1 Participants. The Graduation ceremony and thanksgiving Mass was officiated by our Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Bembol Hiteroza, and Certificates and “free” May They Be One Bibles were given to the newly BBS1 Graduates. The current Evangelization Head, Bro. Mark Anthony Pelobello thanked everyone for their active participation in the said seminar. During the Reception, Sis. Cleo Bojal announced that BBS2 will soon be conducted and Invited All the BBS1 Graduates to attend the Series of B.A. Seminars. Reports from Sis. Sol Buenafe