The miraculous 350-year-old original panting of La Virgen dela Soledad de Porta Vaga (Reina de Cavite) and the Coronation decree. (PHOTO: Reina De Cavite: La Virgen de la Soledad de Porta Vaga (Página Oficial))

After a long decade of controversy about the dubious Pontifical Coronation of Nuestra Señora dela Soledad de Porta Vaga– the Queen and Patroness of Cavite, City and the Province; Pope Francis officially granted a Papal bull for the Pontifical Coronation of the venerated icon. Devotees expressed their gratitude through posting and sharing on their respective social media accounts the good news of the Canonical Coronation of “Rena de Cavite”.

In the past, a series of debate surfaced from the devotees claiming that the Virgen dela Soledad de Porta Vaga has already been Canonically Crowned since November 17, 1978. However, several groups and laymen disagreed on the claim because of the “missing” Papal Bull or Coronation decree.

Archival photos of the 1978 Coronation and the Apostolic Nuncio Letter of Greetings. (PHOTO: Cofradia dela Virgen dela Soledad de Porta Vaga)

Meanwhile, Caviteños and other devotees supported their claims with their few old archived photos and a greeting letter from Apostolic Nuncio, testifying that La Virgen dela Soledad de Porta Vaga has been officially crowned. On the technical side, a Papal bull or decree from the Pope’s authorization is an important aspect in claiming a Canonical Coronation validity.

Finally last April 22, the official Facebook page Reina De Cavite: La Virgen de la Soledad de Porta Vaga (Página Oficial) announced the receipt of the Papal Bull and released their official statement regarding the Coronation that took place in 1978. The date of the coronation is yet to be announced. The Virgin of Porta Vaga will be the second ‘Coronada’ under their Diocese, next to Nuestra Señora del Pillar de Imus which was crowned in 2012 by Pope Benedict XVI.

At the same time, Caviteños also celebrate the founding anniversary and devotion to the 350-year-old original painting of La Virgen dela Soledad de Porta Vaga enshrined at the San Roque Parish in Cavite, City.


The official replica of La Virgen dela Soledad in front of Aranzazu Shrine. (PHOTO: Facebook page of Reina de Cavite-Pagina Oficial)

The official replica of La Reina de Cavite once visited our parish church and stayed from July 27 to August 3, 2014 as part of “Dalaw Soledad” for the promotion and propagation of devotion under the title Soledad de Porta Vaga, a project of Cofradia dela Virgen dela Soledad de Porta Vaga Inc.

The parishioners and devotees of Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Nuestra Señora de Aranzazu of San Mateo, Rizal congratulate the devotees and the whole town of San Roque Cavite, City for the forthcoming Canonical Coronation of La Reina de Cavite: Nuestra Señora dela Soledad de Porta Vaga.

Viva la Reina de Cavite!

Viva la Luz de Filipnas!

Viva la Virgen dela Solded de Porta Vaga!



Christian Jasper Robles

Christian Jasper Robles

Senior Writer, Website Team - Media Ministry

Christian is a graduate of Bachelor of Arts in Communication at Colegio de San Juan de Letran. He is a member of the writer’s team of Aranzazu Media and Public Information Ministry. A singer, performer, writer, church servant, and a Marian devotee. Currently, he is the secretary of Association of Our Lady of Aranzazu- Cofradia and member of Avant-Garde Singers. Passionate about writing different local religious traditions and Mariology matters; Christian is strongly dedicated in promoting and propagating the devotion to Our Lady of Aranzazu.

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