With fun and joy, Pag-ibig ng Panginoon Community opens the program by a praise and worship where the whole parish community joyfully sing and dance along.

For the opening remarks, Rev. Fr. Lopito “Bembol” Hiteroza pinpoints our relationship with God and community or neighbors. He quoted St. Francis saying, “Life is a matter of relationship.” By the use of cross, he creatively described our relationships: vertical for our love for God and horizontal for our love to our community or neighbors.

On the other hand, he also reminds us to remember the following:

1. We are created in God’s image and likeness.

2. We are created to build a Christian Community.

3. There is a Kingdom of God.

4. Principle of Solidarity

5. Principle of Subsidiarity

After Fr. Bembol delivered his opening remarks, the Parish Youth Ministry performed an intermission number and Mark Pelobello presented the overview of the monthly formation.

Afterwards, the President of Parish Pastoral Council launches the Aranzazu New Evangelization Confab – Ubasan. The Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Nuestra Señora de Aranzazu is in the threshold of attempt to answer the call of the Catholic Church for New Evangelization – a new method, new expressions and new fervor of proclaiming the Good news to all the nation. The New Evangelization calls each of us to deepen the faith, believe in the Gospel message and go forth to proclaim the Gospel.

In the spirit of New Evangelization, the DSPNSDA is courageous to respond to this urgent call of the church through Ubasan, the first formation program. It is a monthly common formation to all parish workers of the DSPNSDA.

Ubasan o binya or vineyard is generally associated with a settled or peaceful life, a happy place where people can find happiness within the presence of others. It is timely today because in the 5th Sunday of Easter, the Gospel creatively used vineyard in spreading the good news. In the Gospel it refers to the vineyard of the Lord, a symbol for a field of spiritual labor. It usually refers to the house of Israel of the Kingdom of God on earth (langit). It sometimes refers to the people of the world in general. Aranzazu New Evangelization Confab is an occasion for interactive discussion and unique learning opportunities for spiritual growth and increase of knowledge to Church doctrine.

Moreover, this confab is a series of formation programs designed to respond to the various needs of the parish community and at the same time to prepare the laity in the opening of the Stewardship Ministry in the parish.

The series of topic will be called episodes. Each episode is structured with prayer, talks, reflection, sharing, and fellowship, a perfect opportunity to experience brotherhood and friendship as a church. The first episode will be on May 27, 2:00 – 4:00 PM at DSPNSDA. But before the confab, a survey or needs assessment will be conducted in order to know what topic will be the best to tackle for this period of time.

Last is the launching of PPC Activities which includes the formation of new ministries such as Stewardship Ministry, Ministry to the Elderly, Kitchen Ministry, Children of Mary or Children Ministry, and Aranzazu Riders Ministry. Renovation, improvement, and maintenance of parish facilities are also included in the PPC activities.

The program was closed though a prayer and a simple merienda was prepared to all the parish community who participated in the said event.



Lester de Castro

Lester de Castro

Writer, Website Team - Media Ministry

To those who know him, no words are required. To those who do not, no words will suffice. Lester R. de Castro is a “scholar ng bayan” at Polytechnic University of the Philippines taking up Accountancy, Business, and Management. Lester belongs to his batches’ "Cream of the Crop" dominating to a remarkable vision of the future. Currently, as a website writer of DSPNSDA’s Media and Public Information Ministry, the talents and skills he received from the Almighty above are being used and shared not only for his own good but for the good of others as well. He believes that in life, God must be the center who guides us towards the right path.

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