Looking for something meaningful to do this summer season? The Aranzan Summer Boot Camp 2018 might be the answer to your quest!

The end of April 2018 did not only signify the finish line for the fourth month of the year; April 30th is the day when the piano/keyboard workshops under the Aranzan Summer Camp started. There are also guitar & ukelele lessons for young ones who want to learn playing stringed instruments.

The Aranzan Summer Boot Camp 2018 does not only offer lessons to learn musical instruments, it also sheds light on different activities. Dance classes, voice lessons, basketball clinic, basic photography workshop, and even an international cuisine coking class — this boot camp has it all!

The enrollment and registration for the boot camp went on from April 16 – 20, where youths signed up to learn different productive activities. Note that these workshops are open to all, starting from ages 7 up to as old as 18 years old.
The Aranzan Summer Boot Camp 2018 runs from April 23 until May 11. For inquiries, please contact the Student Affairs coordinator, Mr. John Emmanuel Gruta at 9411269 local 114.

Kristine Tuting

Kristine Tuting

Senior Writer, Website Team - Media Ministry

Kristine Tuting knows she has developed a love-hate relationship when it comes to writing. She obtained her bachelor's degree in BA Communication Arts at the University of Santo Tomas and her high school diploma at Nuestra Senora De Aranzazu Parochial School. When she's not working, Kristine treats the writing process as learning, especially when it comes to religious terminologies.

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