Wouldn’t it be thrilling to HEAR A PERSON TALK IN AN UNKNOWN LANGUAGE which he himself also do not understand? And wouldn’t it be more thrilling to HEAR THOSE WORDS TRANSLATED INSTANTLY RIGHT BEFORE YOUR VERY EARS without the aid of a digital or human translator?  That, for me, would be super amazing! What am I talking about? For us to understand more, I am sharing with you a part of the first reading this coming Sunday Mass, PENTECOST SUNDAY. When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different tongues, as the Spirit enabled them to proclaim. … They were astounded, and in amazement, they asked, “Are not all these people who are speaking Galileans? … yet we hear them speaking in our own tongues of the mighty acts of God.”– Acts 1:1-11 It may seem unbelievable, but in this digital era, hearing a testimony about speaking in foreign tongues really made my day! It was with a plus factor that it came from a person I have known for a long time. Allow me to share it with you. We had our first Wednesday mass last May 8, 2018, at our Love Centre in Q.C. Of course, it was with our very own spiritual director, Fr. Orly Sapuay, M.S..  He was a missionary priest of Our Lady of La Salette and a regular presider at the Philippine Centre for St. Pio of Pietrelcina. He shared something very different that day, an extraordinary experience that deeply touched him and the whole congregation. It happened when he gave his reflections about the gospel in a mass in one special occasion in Dinalungan, Aurora. And this is what he shared: “In Dinalungan, Aurora Easter Vigil Mass, at the homily, I spoke in Tagalog and a bit of English since most were from all over Northern Central Luzon, some from Manila and about 10 are Dumagat natives from the area. I was inspired by the devotion and prayerful atmosphere as I have brought with me a relic of St. Pio. After my homily, someone came up and with a calm voice and tears, he shared that he heard me speak in Ilocano. There were a lot of amazement and awe expressions, especially when about six others spoke up and made the same claim. Then two of the native Dumagats also told a teacher who came with them and claims they understood as they exclaimed they heard me in their native dialect. The Word of God always become flesh if we proclaim it from the heart. Sadly we seldom speak from the heart. God be praised forevermore! ” Fr. Orly Sapuay, M.S Amazing how the Holy Spirit moves and reaches out to those who needed to hear the message of God. How could you not shout your joy and praise to the awesome God who shows His magnificent touch in the many significant events of our lives? “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” – Acts 1:8 So be bold. Be brave. Keep moving. Remember that it was the coming of God’s mighty Holy Spirit on the day of the Pentecost which took those cowardly, doubting, hesitant disciples and made them flaming evangelists for Jesus Christ ready to lay down their lives for him.  It was on that day, the church’s birthdate, that the first Christians courageously started witnessing Jesus to the world. Blaze, Spirit, blaze! Set our hearts on fire! Experience the Pentecost, people of God, because PENTECOST is real!
Little White Flower

Little White Flower

Senior Contributor

Little White Flower is an art enthusiast who studied Visual Communication at the University of the Philippines Diliman. The Little White Flower, as she would like herself to be known, is the previous head of the Ministry on Worship & Liturgy. Her admiration to St. Therese, as the “little flower of Jesus,” made her choose her blog name.  Preferred to contribute in the simplest and littlest way she can, she finds passion in seeing the beauty in the tiniest things in life. Loving God and the works of His creation amazes her so much. Her aim in life: “Just be a little flower, bloom in the garden of the Lord.”

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